Expendables 4 - Movie Review

 Expendables 4 - Movie Review 

Expendables 4 - Movie Review

gonna get you a quick review gotta edit

it upload it hopefully sleep before I

drive to a friend's house it's about

three hours away you know to hang out

and [ __ ]

so expend four Bulls is the fourth

Expendables film that's right nearly 10

years after the last Expendables

Adventure they're back for one final

Adventure until the next final Adventure

this movie stars Jason Statham who's

gone a bit Rogue Megan Fox is leading

the Expendables point of Stallone isn't

even in the movie that much and most of

the rest of the Expendables crew looks

like they're like well I wish I shared

that luxury because for the most part

they all look bored to be fair to them

this movie is mostly boring of The

Expendables crew Jason Statham's the one

that exhibits any sort of scream

presence or Charisma rest of the crew

feels like they're here out of some sort

of contractual obligation even the great

Andy Garcia can't save this thing feels

like he's doing a favor for a friend but

he's pissed because he's missing happy

hour or something he just feels like he

doesn't want to be there which is a real

bummer there are a couple moments where

you can see the concept of this film

being a Cheesy low budget straight to

Sci-fi channel Grade B action flick just

stuffing our faces while we're watching

it you can see in moments where that

would have worked if the groundwork

wasn't already set up up to groundwork

being ineptitude making a Grade B film

that leans into its cheese but that's

the cool part about it it's actually

harder to do than people think if you

pull it off great audiences can have

themselves a fun party film if you don't

pull it off you can come across as

awkward if not embarrassing going

forward I feel like Expendables should

pull it back from now on just make

Expendables Tony jaw and Jason Statham

and they're going around kicking ass the

rest of the Expendables crew they were

oh what's the word

sure there's a word to describe them

that very well could be a title of a

film the gunshots the hits they were

actually pretty satisfying in that

Bloody splattery kind of way you know

I've been playing Mortal Kombat 1

recently just kind of tracked for my

week fit right in uh the hand-to-hand

combat stay with me on this uh when it's

not the Legends at work not good the

camera was far too close to the action

there was way too much shaky cam

probably because they're trying to write

checks these bodies can't cash Eco Weiss

has the best fight in the film that's

why there's already a clip of it on

YouTube before the film even came out

again there's the marketing telling you

that's what the fights are going to look

like in here but they don't however you

can tell he's holding back he's never

able to push it to a hundred it's like

seeing a badass sports car on the road

but during bumper-to-bumper traffic so

Tony John Eco are no joke but you still

need camera work that can capture it and

co-stars who can keep up I feel like

they were at a disadvantage even being

in here you can have martial arts

Legends in your new Expendables film but

if you don't properly utilize them

what's the point and the green screen

was completely noticeable absolute ass

however again only about 90 minutes long

I can appreciate that those like

Expendables has lost the point that

breathed it into existence in the first

place get as many action stars of

yesteryear on screen together in an

action film that celebrates the genre

and decade that made them this just

feels like Dollar Store Fast and Furious

which is funny because Fast and Furious

kinda feels like Expendables so we're

dealing with the chicken in the egg

scenario now and the very end of the

film is

I laughed was it supposed to be funny

again I'm not sure it felt like a Family

Guy joke like Stewie's gonna be like he

is yes well nobody really pays attention

to height but in the end I'm not gonna

remember this one in T minus one day

yeah get the [ __ ] out of here all right

so Expendables four have you seen it

what did you think about it what's your

favorite action film or celebration of

action film that this movie might have

tried to be but definitely did not stick

the landing on whatever it is whatever

you think comment below let me know and

as always if you like what you've seen

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