Mortal Kombat 1 - Game Review

 Mortal Kombat 1 - Game Review 

Mortal Kombat 1 - Game Review

so let me know right out the gate WB

Games did send me a code to download

this game for free in which case I then

went bought the physical copy of the

game because I'm a physical copy snob

like that so I feel like the cost

balances itself out double dipping aside

I feel like I should still tell you they

did give me a digital copy of the game

all right in a world where it feels like

it's been forever since I've done a

review on a video game Mortal Kombat is

what I call church we gotta talk about



so Mortal Kombat 1 is a reset of the

Mortal Kombat universe again it's kind

of what nk9 was really but MK1 is a bit

different because at the end of Mortal

Kombat 11 spoilers for the end of Mortal

Kombat 11 cronica the time Titan is

defeated by Liu Kang Liu Kang becomes

the new time Titan he's like all right

I'm just gonna start everything out from

scratch so he has there's balance

existence seems perfect but in a world

of constants and variables and

manipulations you see

some of the former problems start to

rear their ugly heads and what I like

about this is Mortal Kombat 1 is a

celebration of the 3D era of Mortal

Kombat you know Deadly Alliance

deception Armageddon I was wondering if

they were going to do its own

celebration or just kind of forget that

the 3D era of Mortal Kombat ever

happened and while this is still the 2D

format of the fighting game mechanic it

is a celebration of that 3D era of

Mortal Kombat I'm glad they're

celebrating it because the 3D era did

have some cool stuff as for the story

mode the story mode is great it's

complex it's engaging it's intriguing

whether you're talking about netherrealm

Studios or you go before that just call

it Ed Boone and his team they've always

been next level in storytelling in a

fighting game there are fighting games

out there that have cool stories or

compelling stories but in terms of

execution and hammering that story home

in a cinematic quality experience it's

not even close it's Mortal Kombat tip of

the spear and I thought the story was

great you don't know what's going to

happen it's a completely new universe

it's neat seeing the con constants and

variables things that end up being the

same things that are different they

expand on some characters making

characters important that didn't feel

important in the 3D era of Mortal Kombat

I will say though by the end it does

lean a bit too heavily in

we'll just it's something I can't get

away from I can't turn anywhere in the

world of pop culture and entertainment

not run into some Multiverse storyline I

mean by implication you are dealing with

it here I just don't think they needed

to lean so heavily into it by the end

but the story as a celebration as its

own story is it's still a cool one also

props to their commitment there are

Cameo characters of Sonya Blade and Kano

but Sonya Blade and Kano were heavily

tied into the conflict of outworld and

that's really not happening in this one

so it wouldn't make sense to have them

in this game cameos aside they're not in

this game in a world where netherrealm

Studios ends up killing characters and

then bringing them back as revenants or

whatever it's like they were afraid to

commit to story lines in certain parts

um I I commend them for committing to

this graphically I think Mortal Kombat 1

looks gorgeous but I thought MK 11

looked gorgeous as well PS5 version of

Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat 1

look to be of the same graphical caliber

I don't know for sure I'm sure there's

some data out there or you can look into

it yourself go into the character mode

where you can zoom in and out of the

character and get a close-up of them

which who are we kidding we know what

that's there for but this does have some

of the best looking stages in terms of

fight stages I have seen in MK period

they look gorgeous as for the fighting

mechanics it's a Mortal Kombat game if

you're a Mortal Kombat fan you know what

to expect by now it's stiffer combat

than Street Fighter feels more locked

into a box in terms of its combo system

bit unfortunate for Mortal Kombat that

it came out just three months and some

change after Street Fighter 6 dead the

street fighter 6 is smooth we're talking

smoother than cammy's cake smooth that

game is in terms of fighting mechanic

it's it's the game but it never feels as

stiff as say the 3D era of Mortal Kombat

games that came out before in the 2000s

so if you're a Mortal Kombat fan you'll

be fine if Mortal Kombat has not won you

over yet with this fighting mechanic

this isn't going to be the one that

sells you we know it we're clocking into

Mortal Kombat 4. stiffer combat with

some story [ __ ] Edge so for my Mortal

Kombat experience when I get into a new

Mortal Kombat game I try to find the

characters that feel more organic for me

that's Johnny Cage Baraka he's a little

more locked into the box but his moves

are all blade combo moves so just it

feels more fluid smoke is a god online

he's just busted he's [ __ ] up and for

me Lee May Lee May is a bit of a dark

horse for me I really like how she plays

I was actually fighting a dude online

who was Smoke of course lots of smokes

online but I was Lee May and he was like

Lee may I you don't see a lot of lemays

on here I ended up winning against he

was a really cool dude we chatted for a

bit but I won I feel like one of the

main reasons I won is because not a lot

of people choose Lee May so he didn't

know what to expect from Lee May and

that in and of itself is an advantage

and of course the mixed bag which does

lean into the sight of bummer for me is

that every Mortal Kombat edition that

comes out every sequel every game the

characters don't fight the same they

don't play the same that is probably the

first Mortal Kombat game in a very long

time where Molina is just I don't speak

the language of her fighting style in

here she's one of my Mains in mk11 and

here I am kind of lost people online do

a great job with her same with sindel

sindel I ended lives online it was

fantastic she was one of my main go-to's

but this time around I'm like she's not

the same the cameos are fun I thought

the cameos were going to annoy the

living [ __ ] out of me I thought they

were going to be these busted broken ass

things the people just bring in there

are some cameos that are better than

others they don't feel broken you can't

necessarily spam them some people are

better than others like they're everyone

online is better than I am at using the

Cameo to string into the combo as I move

in the combo but the fact that cameos

have their own brutalities and their own

fatality it just makes them feel like

part of the team they have done away

with the offense and defense meters that

MK 11 had took it back to the meter

system or akin to MKX and MK9 that

offensive meter that just recharged at

an insanely fast rate so an mk-11 it was

just a series of Combos and meter burn

specials you were going up against and

putting against other people annoying to

take fun to dish out that's just kind of

how the online pain of busted fighting

game mechanics go so it looks like they

made this move to make MK1 more balanced

for competitive players sake also seen

with a change that I noticed when I was

fighting some ranked matches did some

ranked matches then went on to do some

Invasion fights some Towers came back to

ranked matches and I just had the same

character in Cameo selected that I had


I didn't know why yeah you choose your

character and your cameo and that's who

you have you have to reselect a new

character and a new Cameo and then go

into the online matches for ranked

matches anyway for casual you pick as

you go into the fight you and your

fighter pick at the same time like any

other Mortal Kombat game that takes a

bit to get used to because it's easy

just to go into a ranked match you're

like [ __ ] I didn't want that character

damn it my first four losses was because

I had the wrong character picked however

I get why they did it because we've all

run into that situation online we're

like all right I'm gonna choose this

character it's almost like I'm gonna

choose that character because you chose

that character you're like well if

you're choosing that character I'm gonna

choose that character and they're like

well if you're doing that I'm gonna

choose that character you just go back

and forth it takes forever to get the

fight started now you go in blind they

go in blind they don't know who they're

fighting against you don't know who

you're fighting against rest assured

you're fighting against smoke and now

elephant in the room uh there is no crap

this time around Crypt has been a staple

since Deadly Alliance and now no Crypt

for the first time in about 20 years oh

for 20 years actually in Mortal Kombat 1

you get gold coins you can smelt them

down if thousand coins a pop and you get

some random piece of something I've

gotten concept art I've gotten the Allen

Grant skin for Johnny Cage but in a

world where we had towers and crypt and

that's how we got stuff we now have

Towers Invasion mode and now smelting

down gold coin so starting it off with

Invasion mode it's a series of Worlds

that you go into and it essentially

looks like a board game every space you

land on it's a new fight you get more

stuff there's some sort of Nerf that

takes place in there maybe the ground's

on fire maybe acids running from the sky

maybe they have that aura around them

that green aura that scrambles all your

buttons around does absolutely the worst

one but you get seasonal currency for

that you also get talismans you can also

you have items you can use for these

fights to make these fights or the tower

fights a little more palatable for all

of these you can only hold a finite

amount of them you can hold quite a few

talismans but that fills up pretty fast

and you keep winning talismans that

aren't as good as the ones you already

have so you just end up your prizes just

feel kind of wastier like thanks for the

Talisman I'm gonna go ahead and [ __ ] can

that because I need to [ __ ] can one of

them because I'm maxed out on what I can

hold but whereas in mk11 you just had an

Echelon of items that helped you out

with these Tower fights in this game in

MK1 you can only hold a few however to

open these hidden treasure chests on the

board in Invasion mode you need a key

you need to buy a key from The Collector

so that does take up one slot so that's

one slot less because you probably want

to have one of those so I play the

living [ __ ] out of invasion mode you're

supposed to have 40 something days to

beat Invasion mode I did it in about

three days you gave me something to

indulge I'm gonna over indulge I am who

I am and by the end man you get so many

serums and things that bump up your

stats and your resistant to certain

elements and I Gotta Give A big thank

you to them for making the currency they

give you a plentiful amount of currency

you know the gear that you can buy from

the seasonal store costs about 1500

seasonal coins I think I have like 70

000 or something right now how however I

just saw the micro transactions for the

premium gear currency and that's some

[ __ ] [ __ ] the thing I would love

for them to patch to make this one a

little better better in terms of what

you get it's not a currency it's XP for

the cameos for you Trophy Hunters out

there the Platinum requires that you

gain Mastery of five Cameo characters

from what I can see that's bringing them

up to level 15. how much xp do I get per


that's gonna take a while for five is it

as bad as trying to grind cat call with

Catwoman and Injustice 2 in order to get

that plot I don't know Injustice 2 at

least gave you the option to build an AI

character that can do the heavy lifting

and do the grinding while you did your

horror movie binge in October no such

option here in fact just done [ __ ]

like this that's probably gonna get

patched and fixed but right now it's

just obnoxious it feels like a backslide

Mortal Kombat 11 and Injustice 2 let you

save a few different visual loadouts per

character here you get one visual

Loadout per character and that's it you

can change how the character looks in

the customization menu but you can't

save five different variations of them

you just get the one also in a world

where you size up mk11 to MK1 you're

like I do feel like 11 did do that

better I like the towers in mk11 I like

being able to see all the towers on

screen at one time you pick your little

floating island you cycle the towers you

see what your prize is going to be and

you proceed accordingly choose whatever

Tower you want this is formatted like

the board game format that is Invasion

mode you gotta walk around this board

game find the tower you might want to do

on that particular day if you find a

tower maybe you don't want to do that

tower now that you're looking at it you

got to walk across the board find

another one it just takes a lot longer

to get to the Tower fight you do start

learning the layout and it starts going

by a little quicker but man when sizing

that up next to the MK 11 Towers where

you're like it's all right there I'll

take that one also an mk11 you saw the

prize that that Tower provided if you

beat that Tower it helps in determining

which Tower you want to take on that day

and MK1 there is no such information the

tower fights did not hold a candle to

The Invasion invasion's more fun secret

areas to explore are secret areas to

unlock you got to use a certain

character in a certain fight and do a

fatality and that'll unlock A New Path

or unlock a new chest Towers just felt

boring by comparison actually you know

what here's a tower story it's the

seasonal Tower you go up to the seasonal

Tower it's like don't do this unless you

can this is Hardcore end game [ __ ] do it

if you're sure I wasn't sure but I

thought I'd give it a shot I got to the

end the end of this ball numbing cheap

ass game mechanic grind of 18 floors

every other floor is a survive minigame

so we'll call it nine fights in the very

end the last thing was to test your

might and I whiffed on the test your

might the tower more or less said to me


you can get the [ __ ] out of my sight man

kick me out I lost I lost the tower was

it my lack of fighting game Talent no it

was test your might that is so trollish


there's another room just trolling their

fans that's [ __ ] up a big thing I do

feel the loss on are the uh the specific

character dialogue intros the character

dialogue is in here but it seems to be

only in a versus match as someone who

spent the bulk of his single player

experience in invasion you never see it

there you just go into the fight Dragon

symbol round one fight makes you feel

like you're missing out it's a strange

call when the invasion is the new format

that the single player experienced from

Mortal Kombat 1 revolves around also in

versus mode the characters seem to have

a couple of different intros most of the

time they have their dialogue they break

away and they do this martial arts Power

stance and then we go to fight I thought

the character intros in Mortal Kombat 11

felt far more cinematic probably helps

that they're woven into the character

dialogue experience the outro Victory

stances for the character is also

another funny call it's the same camera

angle same shot so it feels like it

lacks variety whereas you look at Mortal

Kombat 11 cinematic if not some of the

most epic outros I'd seen in a fighting

game so in the end Mortal Kombat one

it's fun it's a fun Mortal Kombat

experience the story Mode's deep the

fighting mechanics are what you expect

from Mortal Kombat at this point the

fatalities range from okay that's fine

they're dead to brilliant Invasion

Mode's an awesome addition but I can't

help but feel the loss of the crypt as

much as you can make the argument the

end result is the same you still spend

currency to get gear the crypto was a

Zone I was like opening a booster pack

or something there's something about

that intermittent reinforcement I think

they call that gambling addiction I'm

just saying it was fun I've come to

really enjoy the extras that netherrealm

puts into their games like Injustice 2

Mortal Kombat 11. I feel like this was

lacking in that respect I feel like you

get less out of this than Mortal Kombat

11 has granted it might be a little

unfair you're comparing a vanilla

release to Mortal Kombat 11 ultimate but

I have heard from competitive fighting

game players that this is more balanced

they prefer this over Mortal Kombat 11

so it all comes down to what you want as

much fun as the multiple World Invasion

board game fighting game was I have to

ask myself what am I going to do now

that I've completed that season am I

going to fight in the towers am I going

to fight online or in a world where this

is a pretty stacked year for video games

am I going to go on to other stuff and

come back when the new season drops I'll

probably do that third option that's not

the MK addiction I'm used to so I gotta

say I prefer Mortal Kombat 11 to this if

netherrealms taught me anything in terms

of their fighting game experience is

that the experience does improve with

their updates just feels kind of like an

incomplete game right now for me however

it is still Mortal Kombat so unless it's

a Mortal Kombat mythologies game you can

count it being pretty fun so if you're a

hardcore MK fan you've already bought

this at full price who are we kidding

but if you haven't bought Mortal Kombat

1 if you're waiting to see what people

say if you're still having fun with

Mortal Kombat 11 or even Injustice 2 at

this point I'd say wait to buy the sale

price I will say if I'm putting

something on my wish list so Carl

Urban's been cast as Johnny Cage in the

sequel to the new Mortal Kombat movie

that came out a couple years ago if

homelander is coming to Mortal Kombat I

would love to see a Johnny Cage skin

that's Karl Urban as Johnny Cage with

Carl Urban voicing him kind of like they

did with Mortal Kombat X when they

brought in Predator they gave a Carl

weatherskin to Jax I don't want to put

it all on my wish list but if I had a

wish list that's the wish also Mortal

Kombat 1 have you played it what did you

think about it whatever you thought

comment below let me know and as always

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