Chevalier - Movie Review

Chevalier - Movie Review
love me a good historical biopic in this

case a biopic about someone we all

probably should have learned about in

history class but we did not so now we

get to see this person's life through a


let's do it

so Chevalier is a biopic about the life

of Joseph Balon musical Maestro also

expert sword fighter also Marksman you

imagine something that the human body or

imagination can do and he was just good

at it a superpower he just had a

superpower that was being great at

things I was glad they touched on him

being a swordsman it's not just like oh

he's great at violin there was more to

it but more to it in real life than the

movie actually showed so there is that

now this takes place Circa France 1700s

right before the French Revolution out

the gate giving credit to Kelvin

Harrison Jr as Joseph Balon Chevalier

himself I thought it was fantastic in

the role and he generally carries the

film yes he does have some great

supporting actors working with him

Samara weaving being one of them now

this movie surprised me at being about

an hour and 45 minute run time I'm not

used to that for historical musical

biopics usually I'm I'm used to the

Amadeus that's a quantifiable run time

Amadeus it's usually like how long is

this movie uh Amadeus [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

all right let me piss first one second

right so an hour 45 it works both for

this film and against in that same way

that your weaknesses are your strengths

just in certain situations and vice

versa case in point hour 45 minutes is

generally speaking a pretty tight run

time you're engaged for most of it that

said this movie could have and should

have been so much more I mean keeping it

vague he has this friend in the movie

and then he and his friends they seem

pretty close and they have a falling out

and he says something like I defended

you when people were besmirching your

name I wanted to be like anyone in this

theater who saw that happen could you

raise your hand

all right so it's not just me that

legitimately did not happen on screen

it's a classic case for the movie

telling you something happened without

showing you that thing happened which

means it doesn't really stick The

Landing emotionally speaking I wouldn't

doubt it it would not surprise me if I

found out later there's some three hour

cut of this film out there somewhere I

feel like this film's gonna run into

problems with audiences with one of two

scenarios you're in one of two camps one

you are skilled and versed you're a

scholar into the life of Joseph Balon in

which case you're gonna watch this film

and be like well that was a Bare Bones

could have should have been more version

of that person's life or two and this is

where I ran into it I walked out of the

movie being like that was perfectly

enjoyable it was a perfectly enjoyable

biopic absolutely then I was interested

enough to look into the life further

which is really what a biopic should

leave you with

but man this is a rare case of the real

life story being far more interesting

than this movie was yeah aside from

violin riding dancing swimming skating

fencing the movie touches on two of

those things including violin and some

of it was traded out for the sake of

entertainment but also not historically

accurate for example the way this movie

starts out is is him having a dueling

violin Showdown with Mozart for the

film's entertainment purposes it was

absolutely entertaining and pretty

awesome and I know why they did it

because people have taken to calling

Joseph balloon black Mozart which

severely undercuts him and his skills

and all that he did so it's like all

right have him whip Mozart's ass there

you go but historically not only do

these two cross paths but they lived

under the same roof at a point in fact

historians have taken some of Mozart's

music and lined it up with Joseph

balloons and they're like I'm pretty

sure Mozart stole that that to me is

more interesting but yeah you can have

him just dueling violins at the

beginning and sure also the dude fought

in war that's a huge part of his life

but we just kind of get that in the text

at the end I hope this movie is

successful in that gauging audience

interest kind of way so we can hopefully

get that HBO miniseries that this life

absolutely lends itself to this was an

interesting glimpse into a very

fascinating life but it feels like that

a glimpse if you can imagine viewing a

beautiful landscape through a keyhole

that's what this movie feels like but

for a casual viewing experience it's

perfectly enjoyable I'm gonna say it's a

good time no alcohol required caveat at

matinee price all right so Chevalier

have you seen it what did you think

about it what's your favorite historical

biopic whatever it is whatever you think

comment below let me know and as always

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