Coming 2 America - Movie Review

Coming 2 America - Movie Review
all right well a lot of elements in this

movie that were

from the first movie so shorter answer

is watch coming to america the first one

it's enjoyable and it's a better version

of this movie but if you want to stick

around for a review

and watch me ramble for a few minutes

well here we go


coming to america so coming to america

is a sequel to coming to america i'm not

going to do that the whole time i guess

calling it coming to america too would

probably be easiest so when coming to

america too it's been decades since the

events of coming to america eddie

murphy's character akeem he learns he

has a bastard

in america so he goes and gets him and

brings him back because he's gonna be

the heir to the throne and talking about

what i

liked in this movie hands down my

favorite part of this movie was wesley

snipes he's this military leader this

dictator of this neighboring land which

is great that you start seeing

other places you're like i always

thought like what's the land around this

but like who were the neighboring

countries the wesley snipes i thought

crushed it but

that's where you start falling into the

fact it's like i've seen this plot

before because this new prince is going

to be arranged to marry the daughter of


leader this dictator and he doesn't want

to and he falls in love with someone


seems pretty familiar i don't want to do

that thing where you compare it to the

original movie and it falls

short but it's hard it's hard to not do

that when this movie

makes a conscious effort to take some of

the same beats plot-wise anyway

the most important thing is this is a

comedy most important thing in a comedy

is to be funny

make me laugh the movie didn't really

make me laugh and yeah granted comedy's

different now you look at the original

coming to america here i go

i'm comparing again but if you look at

it a lot of the comedy was

wrapped up in the absurdity of the

wealth of this family this royalty when

they're at the airport and they're


clearly like royalty and eddie murphy's

like remember

we have to blend in in our city hall's

like i won't say a thing they're just

they look everyone's turning like who's

the royalty it relied on

a joke and a beat for the audience to

process take it in and laugh nowadays

what i see a lot in comedy and

in coming to america too it's joke and

then quippy comeback joke

or reference and there you go it's like

the characters are trying to make the

characters in the movie laugh not the

audience but it's important to include

the audience in that and that's the

problem because the original coming to


i laugh in it's funny to me coming to

america too

didn't laugh it's like comedies and

movies in general let's face it

they think you're dumb you know like

hollywood thinks people are stupid but i

just can't stand it when jokes are so on

the nose explained like there's one

scenario it's not really a joke

it's actually a pretty relevant phrase

eddie murphy's character he's king now

so he

starts feeling the weight of these

decisions you know it's really tough for


and the phrase heavy is the head that

wears the crown is thrown out as heavy

as the head that wears the crown heavy

lies the crown

however you want to say it it's a good

phrase you know but we know what it

means just from the phrase it's like oh

it's not talking about the weight of the

crown maybe

that limbic response is to see it that

way and you're like oh no it's talking

about the responsibility

we just we know that because the phrase

is layered enough and accessible enough

for us to know that this movie explains

it you know it's like oh heavy's the

head that wears the crown i'm starting

to realize that more and more yeah it's

not just the weight of the crown just

the responsibility that comes with it

it's like thanks for explaining it

because we're dumb

it's just one example but when i saw

that i was like okay that's the last

draw and that's my example

i'm going to throw into here and like

you know creepy preacher guy creepy

preacher guy who is in

the first coming to america's character

is back because you know

sequel but they call him the sexist

preacher i think

three different times in here i mean

granted he is the creepy sexist preacher

we knew that from the first movie he was

one of those guys oh i got the calling

he's like no you didn't

you're just trying to get some of that

great christian ass that's your thing

that's what you're doing we all knew he

was a creepy televangelist guy

the audience can get there by themselves

but no they have to call him the sexist

preacher like oh the guy's sexy did you

get that audience

because he is this is my point of saying

all of this is that

subtlety and nuance makes comedy but

subtlety and nuance isn't in comedy

anymore and i think the reason

is because if you don't say that like if

you don't blatantly call

the creepy sexist preacher guy a sexist

preacher then somehow

some corner of twitter is gonna be like

oh they didn't call him out on it

in the movie so obviously they're

advocating for it that's problematic and

then all right

start the canceling so that's why you

have to just explain all your jokes in

movies otherwise people are gonna get

the wrong idea and that's why

comedy is what's the word dying

anyhow coming to america too it's a

comedy and i didn't really laugh at it

this movie's aware of it though it knows

what it is because they even make the


in this movie it's a very meta moment

where they talk about sequels to 30 year

old movies that no one asked for that

aren't good but in the end it doesn't

matter because i'm not gonna remember

this movie in t minus one day yep

already forgot it's just like the purity

and heart of the original it's your


sequel to a 30 year old movie this is

how it usually goes down

all right so coming to america have you

seen it what did you think about it

whatever you thought comment below

let me know and as always if you like

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