Godzilla vs_ Kong - Movie Review

Godzilla vs_ Kong - Movie Review

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godzilla vs kong so godzilla versus kong

is the great throwdown between godzilla

and king kong we've had the movies

building up to this godzilla kong skull

island godzilla king and the monsters

and now

godzilla vs khan that's really all the

setup you need because we know why we're

here why are we here we're here to see

godzilla fight kong gonna skip ahead to

what i liked about this movie

that was cool this was clash of the

titans man this is godzilla versus kong

this this is monsters fighting monsters


our entertainment with all the disregard

for human life that you would come to


i think he gets the bronze medal for

that though bronze medal behind silver

medal winner man of steel

and gold medalist the entirety of mighty

more from power rangers still godzilla

versus kong

solid bronze but it had good size and

scale representation you know these are

huge monsters they're enormous they're

supposed to

feel enormous i love it when enormous

monsters feel enormous

on screen you know it doesn't always

happen that way godzilla pacific rim

all felt like enormous things fighting

it doesn't always go down like that

see pacific rim uprising just kidding

don't just take my word for it doesn't

always happen that way so i appreciated


the rest of the movie is boring humans

and uninteresting people doing their

boring human

uninteresting people thing in a godzilla

king kong movie i feel like that's kind

of par for the course

every time i say that i feel like

there's pushback in the comment section

like that's how the movies have always

been well that sucks

doesn't mean it's good whether it's

nefarious human villains or

good people trying to be good it's just

like i wasn't interested in the humans

i'm never interested in the humans in

these movies which kind of shows that

monstrous fighting is just it's a great


but it's also at max a half an hour of a


all right how do we pad it i feel like

this movie is like

a frankenstein of other scripts that

were just

on the shelf and they were like oh sweet

we have a script for this 80s throwback

couple of kids couple of youth going out

there trying to find out what's what


as she says in this movie if we don't no

one else will

kind of a throwback like stranger things

funny enough that's millie bobby brown

and her friend in this movie actually

it's not just them to hang out with this

conspiracy theorist podcaster which i

guess it's a big takeaway in this movie

conspiracy theory podcasts are

i guess they're just right about things

it's all right they kind of adapted

whatever script that was

into this movie what else we got a

journey to the center of the earth


i guess that's here too sure i mean it's

more journey to the center of the earth

than it is godzilla versus kong

really i feel like that was when the

movie asked too much of me i was like

monsters fighting great

that the journey to the i was like

i can't make that leap i just can't i

don't know i just

it's too much for me like you look at

the godzilla movie that came out that

started this whole thing you know the

gareth edwards godzilla movie

and it's like we had 2015 tech in that


and now in godzilla versus kong we have

2100 tech and i don't know why or how

it's like

how in a few short years did we advance

the tech of that world

by a hundred the tech in this movie is

ridiculous i'm fine with ridiculous tech

in a movie but

it's just such a leap it has to be a

road getting there you know there has to


there has to be rules guard rails in

these cinematic universes it's like

no one gives a movie had

conflicting tones like millie bobby

brown and her friend

and the conspiracy theory guy at a point

it was like the snappy dialogue is just

it's way too humorous look i like the

mcu as much as the next person but after

the mcu turned into comedy it's like

every movie that's a big sci-fi

adventure has to be comedy now and it's

stupid it's one of the reasons i like

zack snyder's justice league it goes

against that it's like nah we're just

we're dark and that's fine but

there's a lot in this movie that just

feels like a massive waste of time like

when kong's on his side quest which i


i'll take a sidequest with kong rather

than hanging out with humans but funny


kong is still accompanied by humans so

we're still hanging out with humans but

really this whole

side quest which visually it looked

great i was like this make a great video

game or vr experience or something we're

doing this whole thing

really for nothing it was just kind of

like what can we have kong do

we have two options him sitting there

with his thumb up his ass

or this i guess we're gonna do this i

get that the whole thing was well he

needs to get a weapon

so i guess that's the reason it's so he

gets his weapon

which basically means that kong is on

the same quest

that thor was on in avengers infinity

war but avengers infinity war had

much more going on so it's fine to send

thor out to do that this is like 50

of the interest in this movie is on a

dumb side quest god i'm banging on this

movie so much and i know people love


kong and godzilla movies but the

monsters fighting require i'm going to

say that every time i'm like oh negative

but the monsters fighting were cool

well i'm sorry i'm sorry this is

happening to you i did watch it on hbo


maybe that plays into it while i was

watching this movie i was like this


clearly meant to be seen on the big

screen so i get why the director was

pissed like wait h but

no no no he needs to be on theaters come

on so yeah if you can watch it in


definitely watch this in theaters you

know you're still rocking that hbo mac

so you could watch zack snyder's justice

league again

i know you but if it's one of those

movies it's like oh you have to watch it

on the big screen that's another way of

saying it has a shelf life

of its theatrical release then after

that i guess

what you're just never going to watch it

again that kind of to me feels like

when 3d was the big craze and was like

oh 3d and 3d makes the movie better

it's like if a movie is not going to be

enough without 3d it's never going to be

enough with it

i mean it can enhance the experience to

a point but if movie's not going gonna

float without the 3d then what's the

point it's

another way of saying it's not a good

movie but in the end if you want to

watch monsters

fight each other if you want to watch

titan's throw down

you're going to enjoy one fourth of this

movie i hope that's enough for you and

if it is

awesome but if that's not enough for you

you know who you are the movie's not

going to be enough for you which means

when someone takes

the monster fights in this movie and

cuts them down to a youtube video and

uploads that onto youtube watch it

that's a solid youtube video worth of

entertainment right there but for me

it's not that the movie

concentrates on human characters is that

it concentrates on human characters

that are uninteresting to me it feels

like 25 of this movie is a theme park

ride that you signed up for and the

other three-fourths of this movie is

standing in line which is never the fun

part of the theme park ride but for the

most part

this movie had been a better time if i

were drunk yeah but the monsters

fighting were cool all right so godzilla

vs kong have you seen it what did you

think about it whatever you thought

comment below let me know and as always

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