Gran Turismo - Movie Review2023

Gran Turismo - Movie Review 2023
all right before we get our racing game

adaptation on we need to get our racing

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PlayStation's car Carnage got an

adaptation well PlayStation's car racing

also has what a summer


all right so Gran Turismo is directed by

Neil blomkamp who's been hit or miss

with me but the fact remains he did

District 9. I'll always look forward to

a new movie by him but it's also based

on the true story of yan martinborough

who is a gamer played a lot of Gran

Turismo he was so good at Gran Turismo

he got invited to have his shot at

actually being a race car driver so one

of my tricks to uh see how to pronounce

someone's name is to find an interview

with them in which they say their name

or someone says their name in front of

them and they're not corrected swore I

found one

but I but I can't find it again so

Archie matakaway plays Yan martinborough

I thought he was great very he's

relatable our fellow gamer nerds whose

parents are like you need a plan I'm

like this isn't a plan

also he wasn't an arrogant gamer during

the trailer it was like is he is he

arrogant gamer nerd he kind of comes

across that way probably Rory I would

dust him in a lot no that line I don't

even remember being in the movie and he

wasn't he was you know he was just a

young dude who wanted his shot David

Harbor was great in the movie what you

see is what you get with David Harbor if

you liked what you saw on the trailer

with David Harbor if you had that

feeling of

does he know he's being filmed I still

can't answer that and that's kind of

what makes it amazing you puked on my

lawn he's the one who's gonna take these

gamer nerds and through trial by fire

gonna see if they got what it takes to

race but it's not just that it's the

bond between his character and the main

character throughout the film that's

growing this friendship between the two

of them because when they first meet I

don't know they just don't seem like

friends as time goes on it's like hey

maybe there's something there with this

kid and you know he's pretty much the

only one in the industry being nice to

him they showed that in the trailer in

fact as I'm spilling it out I'm like wow

that trailer did just kind of give you

the breakdown of the entire film point

is it was nice to see the two of them

have great chemistry together and it was

a big part of the heart of the movie

also the movie looks great it's shocked

to be intense when you're supposed to be

biting your nails during the racing

scenes biting my nails I was gonna feel

like Neil blomkamp was like all right

Target demographic target audience

Gamers let's face it video games do it

in more grandiose fashion than movies do


video games are intense man it's like

Neil blomkamp knew that he was like

Gamers have seen some [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] they've seen

some intense stuff we have to make this

movie feel intense and that Parts it did

but that's where we run into some of the

mixed bag this movie is at times

although some scenes felt intense some

races also felt kind of rushed when I'm

watching a race in the movie I like it

when a movie makes it feel like I am

there in the race and I'm there for the

Long Haul but when the training of these

gamer nerds hooked me and I was like all

right I'm in a movie built around

training that's essentially Top Gun Top

Gun on Wheels let's go wow it's over

that was like 15 minutes so to speedrun

you to the end of this movie where it

does give you that fulfilling feeling of

okay I'm in the race with the main

character and we are there and it looks

gorgeous I'm biting my nails again felt

like it Montage through the other races

leading up to it or just showed you the

end score card I get it those were quite

a few races so you don't want the movie

to feel repetitive but it did feel like

it was a mini series that was condensed

to feature film length so like the movie

flows and Ebbs it starts out interesting

and then montages through a bunch of

stuff and then it's interesting again

has some moments of heart absolutely in

there I do wish his dad was in the movie

more better phrase I wish Jaime and

hansu was better utilized in the film

accomplished actor jimin hansu plays his

father and there is a nice moment

between him and his son because you know

it's the story of the dad being like do

something with your life I don't

understand why you just sit and play

video games all the time then this big

shot and right so there's a good moment

of heart in there but there was no real

lead up to it I felt like the real

father-son Dynamic was between the main

character and David Harbor's character

rather than the main character and his

father but the important thing is I was

getting the Feels by the end of the

movie it is an Underdog Story it's

absolutely what you think the movie is

going to be it's pretty predictable

because because it's an Underdog Story

with the premise that it has some of the

other stylistic choices beyond the

racing feeling fast and intense like the

racing to its core just feels like

really intense racing but there are

other stylistic choices that do throw

back to the game you know when he's

racing you start seeing the track like

the game it's got to be a tough balance

to strike you know connect with the

people who know the game and give them

the visuals that do call back to that

but you don't want their friends to be

lost you want their friends to watch it

be like I don't even why does this even

happening I don't even know what the

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] but fun energetic and even

inspiring at the end absolutely it

doesn't break new storytelling ground

but it doesn't have to I found it to be

a good time no alcohol or quiet it is

kind of funny to me even a little ironic

there is this cool fight the man kind of

energy going on in this movie you know

the people's champ fight those corporate

douchebags you know the type those

soulless bastards the kind of douchiness

that makes people make a video game in

which you grind away with such little

in-game currency payout in contrast to

the really expensive cars you really

want the whole thing's just built around

inspiring or provoking the gamer to

actually spend real money to buy fake

cars and oh wait no that's Gran Turismo

7. hope they know it's about them too

all right so Gran Turismo was supposed

to come out this weekend got pushed back

two weeks but embargo lifts when embargo

lifts or you're getting this one a

little early regardless Gran Turismo

have you seen it what did you think

about it or what's your favorite Gran

Turismo game whatever it is whatever you

think comment below let me know and as

always if you like what you've seen here

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