Insidious: The Red Door - Movie Review -

Insidious: The Red Door - Movie Review 
all right cynical low energy Jeremy

today but that's what you get when I get

ripped away from my Warhammer Miniatures

to talk about garbage but we're all here

so let's talk about it

so when city is

The Red Door

I was so close a few years ago if this

movie makes money there will be a fifth

Insidious movie called the final key or

the final door or something almost but

for insidious The Red Door

the kid can I get I don't don't make me

look it up his name is the kid the kid

from Insidious is all grown up he's

going to college now it's a liberal arts

college which means while he's working

towards his goal of being a Starbucks

barista with an insane amount of debt he

gets to be inundated with creepy imagery

all for the sake of forced fifth

installments who's excited are you

excited either way thank you for

clicking on this video I do appreciate

it do you need to watch the previous

Insidious movie no you don't does it

even tie into it I don't remember but

now you're safe not watching it or

watching it and forgetting you watched

it like the rest of us did anyhow he's

in college he and his dad Patrick Wilson

been hypnotized to forget the traumatic

events of yesteryear so now he has all

these cloudy memories coming back creepy

imagery coming to him he's painting

really eerie [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] in his art class and

his dorm room his dorm room in which his

roommate is a girl I just found it weird

that she was like hey I talked to the

office I said they'd clear it up but

they said to crash here in the meantime

I don't know I just feel like someone in

office administration would just get

fired for that yes ma'am you have a mail

roommate who fits serial killer profile

to a team and paints really creepy

imagery in the dorm room

but could you crash there for the night

it's kind of a hassle so he gets to

Spirit walk in the dollar store upside

down there are demons there's a red door

also there's a lot of college angstiness

the case of Insidious though is really

curious one because it started out

feeling like horror and now it feels

like how to phrase it interdimensional

Thriller elements ever since Patrick

Wilson was going through the spectral

realm like he's razziel or some [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

it's like they were like hey that's

really cool let's lean into that more

than horror it has some interesting

imagery elements and parts but it's

nothing you haven't seen a billion times

before and even then it doesn't

organically go anywhere it's usually

some blurry figure across the street

through the window It's like because

he's having memory problems like oh hey

do that thing you know like classic

concentration you gotta remember where

the images were that you flipped over

and then you got to match them up memory

game he has all these cardboard images

on his window I'm like dude I respect

the Arts and Crafts element but

seriously you don't have a switch that

game is is in Mario 3 just do it there

or it's online what year does this take

place if I Google that game right now I

will be able to find it but if you do

that you can't have the camera focusing

on the window in which you see this

blurry figure from across the street

supposed to be creepy but it's not

creepy it just comes across like someone

had an idea for one moment one shot one

element one image and someone else was

like yeah that's great

to what end what why is it what are we

doing after that why are we doing it at

all I don't know shut up just it thought

it sounded cool just comes across like

hey you know what I really like is this

picture of the dude what a great picture

anyhow maybe I'll hang it up over there

and maybe I won't I don't know I feel

like he's my spirit animal tell you who

I did like Sinclair Daniel who played

his roommate slash friends I thought she

was great granted she feels like she has

walked into another movie entirely her

spirit her zest her spunkiness kind of

took me out of the horror movie elements

then I remember there are no real

effective horror movie elements so [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

it you do you you have fun I feel like

that's what she did I feel like she got

the script she was like are you kidding


I'm having fun with this I'm going to do

my thing I don't know I don't know if

Patrick Wilson made that call or if she

did in spite of the whole situation

Patrick Wilson he directed this movie

it's his big screen directorial debut I

feel like that's kind of important

information I saw his name on the

credits I was like oh that's surprising

on with the show guys in the end I was

over Insidious by the time the last

movie came out and I'm over it still we

all knew they were gonna keep it going

but this movie shows why they definitely

should not or if you're gonna bring

Insidious back have it feel scarier have

it feel more like horror the attempts at

horror are just really boring cliches

you've seen a million times before the

rest of the movie feels like it's trying

to be a cooler Spirit realm traversal

spectral realm travel suspense thriller

wedged in between really boring angsty

College [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] maybe if you're so invested

in the Insidious story the story of the

family that you're just like I have to

see the next chapter what would happen

if the kid goes to college I need to see

but for me now I can remember in T minus

one day yep already forgot all right so

Insidious The Red Door have you seen it

what did you think about it whatever you

thought comment below let me know and as

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