Killers of the Flower Moon - Movie Review

Killers of the Flower Moon - Movie Review
I had to pee for at least 2 and 1 half

hours of this three and a half hour long

Odyssey and I never got up to take a

break it's the best compliment I can

give it seriously feel free to put that

on the Blu-ray box when this comes out

on home release if physical media is

still around at that


point so killers of the flower moons the

new Martin score sty film takes place in

the 1920s and is the true story of a

mass murder plot against the oage Native

American tribe so of the mains Leonardo

decaprio Robert dairo and Lily Gladstone

I'm going to talk about dairo first

because you know how it is where they

aim to make a very humanized villain

it's a very big thing nowadays humanize

your villains I thought this was an

incredible take on that cuz you're

dealing with the head of the snake who

had a horrific plan of mass murder he

comes across as a man of the community

someone who the oage people called

friend there's a wolf in sheep's

clothing and then there's a snake who

has everyone convinced that he's a puppy

until the point of performing is Robert

dairo is 80 years old still commanding a

scene you have three main actors in here

all of which command the scenes there in

sometimes they're in scenes together at

age 80 dairo can be like I'm done I'm

going to phone it in here it is three

Oscar contenders in this film that I can

think of and that's just onc screen

performances I don't mind saying this is

one of Leo DiCaprio's best performances

that's a pretty high bar too maybe it's

a recency biased thing but when watching

you know how you watch a movie and you

can usually pick out like that's the

Oscar Sizzle reel like if he's nominated

that's the clip there were a few moments

in this movie where that could be the

case the movie does leave me with

questions about his character there's

something they're a little vague about I

feel like Hugh Jackman from from The

Prestige how does he not know but it

doesn't really give you the answer and

it bothered me it it's just I just

wanted the answer what was in the bottle

I know it was bad I just want to know

what it was and does he know it was bad

and if not how the film does illustrate

early on that this guy is easily

manipulated fact remains having

DiCaprio's character who's I mean he's a

real guy Ernest Burkhart having Ernest

Burkhart be the main character in this

film in which he's part of the plot to

kill his wife's family also his wife is

being poisoned also they love each other

that is actually a gutsy call the they

love each other element but you look at

the movie it doesn't work without it

because how else does it work it love

makes people blind and that's kind of

the point now Lily Gladstone's the one


actually I dare say makes it all work

without her if she wasn't in it you

really would be seeing this film and the

situation Through The Eyes of shitty

people she's the very personification

and lesson here which is if you so love

and trust someone or something this much

you will want to look past the truth

which is killing you the heart overrides

the brain when Martin scorsi says well

this is a story of of love it is it's

the darker side of it doesn't make it

any less real actually makes it more

real than most but honestly if all three

Leonardo DiCaprio Robert dairo Lily

Gladstone if they all get nominations

this year I wouldn't be the least bit

surprised and if they don't doesn't

matter doesn't mean they didn't crush it

just means the academy is the academy as

for the 3 and 1 half hour long run time

I legitimately meant what I said in the

intro of this video is a true story it

illustrates the point that point being

in terms of time management I thought

this film did it very well cuz I never

felt there was an opportune or Optimum

moment where I could take a break if it

wasn't a murderous plan going down it

was the scheming of a murderous plan if

it wasn't the scheming of a murderous

plan it was seemingly small talk with a

lot of nuance around that makes the

world a feel lived in B you're still

seeing that which allowed the plan to go

down just I never felt like there was

downtime in here example Oppenheimer

3-hour film this year I thought was

great I felt killers of the flower Moon

actually used its time better than

Oppenheimer did though it's longer may

sound strange but it is what it is

that's how I take it in gred even at 3

and 1 half hours I was left with that

feeling of this could probably be a 6-h

hour miniseries especially at the end

when it's like on this date were you

with so and so and was he with so and so

and I'm like who's so and so and so and

so I don't know I'm terrible with the

names of people I've actually met in

real life I don't remember that person's

name The wrap-up of this film is very

Scorsese as well most movies like this

would have the text come up and that'd

be it Scorsese does it in a more

interesting and we'll say fun way and

that kind of shows how scorsi can thread

that needle a lot of directors when

dealing with heavy subject matter that

is a true story you can almost feel them

be like okay we're going to be in this

box we're not going to Veer from it no

one's going to laugh it'll be

informative but it will be safe scores

can throw some fun moments or humor in

there that don't feel disrespectful not

a lot of directors would take that on in

the end I thought the film was really

well done it's well acted it's heavy

subject matter that makes it worth a

watch alone cuz if you're like me you

didn't hear about this outside of

entertainment like with Tulsa thanks

public education but the execution of

said subject matter is packed with

Incredible performances by talented

actors who clocked into work no doubt it

sticks with you and that's important in

a movie like this it has layers in which

it haunts you I think killers of the

flower Moon worth watching and worth

buying on Blu-ray all right so killers

of the flower moon have you seen it what

did you think about it whatever you

thought comment below let me know and as

always if you like what you've seen here

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