Mortal Kombat (2021) - Movie Review

Mortal Kombat (2021) - Movie Review

you know people ask me jeremy how do you

avoid copyright strikes

having zero tone when you sing there's a

pretty good way to do it

i guess we'll see so mortal kombat so

this mortal kombat movie is a new mortal

kombat movie it's the first

live-action mortal kombat movie we've

had since mortal kombat annihilation

don't know what that says other than

hollywood not really having a lot of

faith in mortal kombat there have been

other live-action mortal commas we had

mortal kombat rebirth which became

mortal kombat legacy seasons one and two

mortal kombat conquest represent bam

it's kind of a weird flex whatever it

came out at like midnight it was

summer school was out i would watch it

everyone else was in bed

i've always been a night owl that's just

me so now we have new mortal kombat


really it's not mortal kombat yet it's

like the prequel to mortal kombat

a prequel to a new mortal kombat not the

1995 movie mortal kombat

also titled mortal kombat and this

mortal kombat prequel titled mortal

kombat will lead into the mortal kombat


titled mortal kombat anyhow they did

kind of bum me up because i like the

tournament i like the tournament

logistics i like a world of rules i like

the fact that it's like oh no

outworld is trying to invade earth

realm's trying to hold them off

but there are rules you know they can't

just kill off people that there's a

tournament and this movie was kind of

weird because i guess you

can just send sub-zero out there to

start killing people if they're going to

take place in the tournament

i half expected raiden to come down in


thunder and be like my sideshow freaks

attacked my fighters

that is expressly forbidden before the

tournament but not here though here he'd

be like your psycho freaks attacked my


which is kind of how it happens in this


completely within the rules keep your

head on a swivel

be prepared they might try to kill you

in your house

i'm kind of getting ahead of myself

first of all this movie starts out

amazing because it starts out with a

scorpion sub-zero backstory and that

backstory like

that was a hard hook for me back in the

day when i was a kid and if you're one

of those mortal kombat fans are clocking

into this movie for the blood

the blood and gore is here too quite a

few fatalities death blood everywhere

rated r because they're like everyone

who watched the pg-13 mortal kombat

movie they're all

40 now at least it's fine and some of

the characters in this movie are good

and great there's a contrast the

contrast between

wooden and boring and quite literally

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] amazing that contrast is all

here with mortal kombat character even

in the middle you have the ones that are

like yeah they're good like sonia and

jax i thought they were good the two

standouts for me you would think of


scorpion's not really in this movie as

much as the trailer might have alluded

to him being in this movie so

sorry that the trailer kind of lied to

you but sub-zero i thought sub-zero was

badass they did some great things with

sub-zero including but not limited to

some horror movie elements like people

be hanging out you'll see

fractals growing on the window you know

it's all getting icy it's like oh my god

he's coming and it answers that very

simple question we've been asking for

decades what would it look like if

sub-zero attacked a family out of

mcdonald's here we go

we've all kind of wanted to see that

right mortal kombat characters

in the real world with their magic

abilities and yeah they'll blow some

minds so it's kind of cool to see that

but sub-zero was hardcore and he's

behind sub-zero

so you know he's a dick and the number

one the standout dude kano

give it up volcano slow clap for kano i

thought kano

in a word in this movie is kano

i thought he was completely the soul of

the character

and he kind of made the movie he's

talking [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] he's talking [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] well he's


any and all characters he can this kano

in this movie is a complete dog

and i love him for it and this movie has

some solid fights but again with the

contrast there are some fights that are

quite literally amazing and some fights

were i was like that was kind of shoddy

and quick and

that's it kind of a bummer this movie is

all about contrast between good and bad

this movie definitely has some give and


though i think every mortal kombat

adaptation has give and take it's like

every mortal kombat thing

ever except the story in mortal kombat

9. i still think that's the

quintessential mortal kombat story

all right some fun fights some great

gore some good fatalities that you will

recognize also some fan service where

you're like

i didn't expect to see that reference

for that character

that was fun that's there for the fans

but all right in a world of talking

about characters going back to kano

if it wasn't for kano i probably would

have been bored in this movie because a

lot of the

characters i didn't feel that synergy

with them they might have been fine on

their own but you do need that team

synergy and whatever the flaws that the

mid-90s the original mortal kombat movie

has whatever cheese is in there one of

the things it did right was it had that

feeling of synergy that feeling of a

team between sonia

liu kang and johnny cage this movie

doesn't really have that

feeling it's more or less kano and other

people kane win the generics

kano and the boars are being a little

harsh because to be fair i did like

sonia and jax but really

coal is the forefront here coal is the

chosen one

i'm not above a mortal kombat adaptation

creating new characters out of the blue

even though there's

nearly a hundred characters to pick from

inexisting lore but dude i just flashed

my mortal kombat conquest

series dvd that made [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] up so i'm not

above it but the bummer is

cole's not that interesting his

character is just kind of boring he's a


wooden also liu kang and kung lao in

this movie

and they're boring too i don't know if

boring's a word definitely

i'd say generic they feel like generic

support characters

just came out of the blue they're kind

of pushed to the side and again they're

not that interesting i mean they have

their superpowers that make them them

from the game what doesn't make them

interesting it just means they're

generic people with superpowers so the

problem i have with them making this

character coal up and making him the

center of attention here is that if

you're gonna make a new character

up at least iron out the legacy

characters who have earned

that spot but they didn't they pushed

the legacy characters to the side to

make room for this guy

who's not that interesting that's

probably not a good thing to do

and i've seen this argument out there

and if you're one of these people if

you're in this

boat then you're probably going to be

fine with it but i've seen people be

like dude this mortal kombat just give

me the blood give me the fights i am

good but that's

not how i am with mortal kombat i guess

there are two camps of mortal kombat

fans gore before

lore and lore before gore it's all about

which one you are and although

the gore and the blood was a nice hook

for young me i was like

look at that the reason i stuck around

with mortal kombat was because the

characters and the lore were next level

amazing i had not seen storytelling like

this in a fighting game ever so since

mortal kombat 1 i just kept with it

all my life not always the smoothest

storytelling a lot of retcons a lot of

retcons to the retcons when people die

they never stay dead they always come

back and it makes you feel like there

aren't a lot of stakes in mortal kombat


man i love that lore so it's not just

fights in blood the story and the

characters of mortal combat is a

big piece of it for me this is way

better than annihilation

let's just say that now let's just get

that out of the way so there's

no mincing words here but annihilation

did do that thing where it's like here's

a mortal kombat character

you get no backstory with them but you

know it's the anyhow

they're here to fight that's why they're

here soul reason

this movie does do that although in this

movie they give the good grace to

actually name them but there's one in

particular who fights

jax at the end where i'm like that

character could have been anybody

at all i mean i dig the reference

because i don't think this character

gets enough love

it's a deep cut to be sure but he had no

lines he just growled he fought jax and

that was that like

he was just here to fight in the world

where every mortal kombat character has

so much lore attached to them like

fans will feel that loss regardless this

movie definitely does

end on a high note and that end fight is

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] epic it's business this is a

weird wrap-up for me because it's like

this movie is the calm before the storm

the storm being the tournament which is

really what i care about with mortal

kombat this wasn't quite there yet but i

think it behooves mortal kombat fans to

check this movie out one because

i mean if you're a mortal kombat fan you

kind of have to you just give this a

pass but i do hope this movie gets

support from fans because i want to see

the next step i think the

vision is there i want to see this

vision in the mortal kombat tournament

this movie has

a really good tone to it i love the tone

i love the vibe

this is the mortal kombat tone that i've

wanted to see for a while one could

argue forever i think with some better

writers and some character refinement

making the characters more interesting

that could be a kick-ass mortal kombat

movie this movie wasn't quite there yet

there is fun to be had in it but i want

to see the next movie

if that makes sense and it's probably

more fun if you're drunk

yeah now it's some mortal kombat

alright so mortal kombat the new mortal

kombat that's a prequel to mortal kombat

that we don't have yet which will

probably be called

mortal kombat also have you seen it

probably not i think it came out in

europe already but

it doesn't come out on hbo max until

this friday hbo max or theaters however

you want to watch it after you do watch

it tell me what you think whatever you

think comment below let me know and as

always if you like what you've seen here

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