Nobody - Movie Review &to me

Nobody - Movie Review &to me
all right before we get started this is

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this movie was surprising

nobody so nobody is the latest in these

john wick-esque movies about normal guy

who might be

secret badass and i'm actually going to

make more than a few john wick

comparisons in this video i don't mean

to make this a john wick comparison

video but i'm going to compare in the

sense of how they did things differently

not oh this one did it better than the

other it's not like that but i feel it's

important to talk about how the two

movies do things differently because

on the surface level if you give someone

the surface level description it sounds

very john wick here's the surface level


to nobody seemingly normal guy has a

random encounter with some seemingly

randomly normal douche bags those

randomly normal douche bags are tied to

some very high-powered russians

so now the high-powered russians are

going to come after normal guy and

they're going to find out that normal


might have been a super secret badass in

a previous life and they're going to

regret it

right sounds very wick kind of like

mortal kombat and street fighter

both fighting games but they're not the

same experience well first of all bob

odenkirk is great in this movie because

bob odenkirk's a great actor we always

knew that like you know

he got big after breaking bad but in

breaking bad he was

the comic relief you know he was a

sleazy fast talking lawyer guy and he

was great in that role but it was better


saul where it was like oh you he really

gets to flex some dramatic

muscles in there flex those dramatic

muscles without losing

that which makes saul goodman so good

man i know people are like oh well i've


bob odenkirk since well for me it's

breaking bad

long story short we can all agree that

dude's a great actor

and he gets to show that in here because

this movie's more of a i don't want to

say it's a slow crawl or a slow burn

but there's a lot more build up than

let's say john wick has

john wicks like a thing happens switch

gets flipped

immediate badass and that's amazing and

that's what we come for the movie

nobody's a bit different you see this

guy in his life for a bit

you can see he's just emotionally

unfulfilled he's

sad he looks depressed which i really

like if i can just have one description

this is the only review you need this

line right here nobody is

john wick meets falling down with an

emotional character that's

more akin to david dunn and unbreakable

you're right like that's

that's what it reminded me of it

reminded me of david dunn and

unbreakable because he's just not

fulfilled with this normal life he's not

doing that which he is

called to do but rather than protect

like unbreakable

is kill people but also when he's like

all right time to get kick assin

kick assin roll with me here when he's

on the bus you're like oh it's gonna go

down and he's like

quite simply i'm gonna [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] you up

here we go but it's not it's not like he

just flips a switch and he's like i'm

back to action

like a splice like it never happened

like there was never any

gap like there wasn't a decade and a

long gap in between

nah he's a bit rusty he has to slough

off the rust he has to relearn it's kind

of like

this is the sequel video game you know

in the first video game you max out your

character but they make a sequel they're


well how do we nerf the character now in

the sequel somehow they have to have a


a sword an amulet time

that just makes the character forget

everything they learned in the previous

game so he's not completely op from the


that's like how this movie is he has to

remember how to be a badass he takes a

few hits he's kind of like

doomsday in the sense that any huge hit

he takes

he just gets better and stronger so i

like that i like that this movie was all


build-up there was a build of him being

a badass again they rolled out his

skills as the movie went on also i like

the slow reveal of his past you have

questions throughout this movie it's

like what did this guy

do how badass is he is he actually the

badass we think he is there are little

things little easter eggs little

nuggets that you get where you're like

yeah definitely this guy has a secret

and that's a big thing i need to say in

this video because people just need to

know because when they think oh the john

wick ism's like all right sweet let's

just pop it on action action action the

action is there and i

love it when it happens but it's also

spread out in the movie it's spaced out

with time to breathe in between with

these character building moments you

know it's what makes this movie

stand out this doesn't try to be a john

wick wannabe

it's its own thing i appreciate that and

it really is the bob odenkirk

show in this movie i mean connie nelson

i thought was great as his wife and

there's an intriguing story there and

they have their past it's only lightly

alluded to

but i like that i like the fact that

this movie doesn't give you all the

answers it gives you the pieces and you

just kind of piece together the past

also there are a couple of supporting

characters in this movie not big roles

but christopher lloyd

rizza both great both amazing but if i

had to peg it

i mean it's the bob odenkirk show i love

the editing in this movie too like there

were more than a few moments where i was

like that does seem like

breaking bad-esque you know like when

the action's going down

and just playing a song that you would

think would play

during a breaking bad cook segment maybe

i'm seeing the breaking bad link because

of bob odenkirk but i mean it felt like

that also a couple of moments with the

editing in general like this car crashes

like it was really cool edit the

editing's creative there's talent in the


the acting is great the premise is fun

and the character moments keep you

hooked and of course let's not forget

the actions completely kick ass in

theaters right now i believe it's coming

to video on demand this weekend so this

review is

it's nice and timely however you watch

it i'll say it's worth watching

and worth buying on blu-ray john wick

equalizer nobody

it's a good trinity right there

father-son holy spirit style all right

so nobody have you seen it what did you

think about it are you planning on

watching it this weekend whatever you

think comment below let me know and as

always if you like what you've seen here

and you want to see more click right

here to see more


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