The Burbs - Movie Review

The Burbs - Movie Review
so at the end of my review for totally

killer I asked you something along the

lines over your Halloween binge what's a

movie that's more fun than scary when I

ask you these questions I don't always

answer them in fact I rarely ever do but

I thought about this one what's mine

took me all of 3 seconds to answer which

is admittedly 2 seconds too long

although this is a movie not just for

Halloween this is a movie that's good

for any time of the year this is my

answer and I'm sticking to it so let's

talk about



so the BBS is a Joe Dante cult classic

dark comedy from the late 80s it's also

a movie that has a Critic score of

rotten on Rotten Tomatoes what I don't

understand it everybody as much as you

remember that dress that was white and

gold or black and blue people saw one or

the other and the internet just kind of

fought over it every bit as much as

people on one side of that argument

could not see what people saw on the

other side of that argument I do not

understand how the BBS is rotten on

Rotten Tomatoes Tom Hanks plays Ray

Peterson the lead of our film he's

married to his wife Carol played by

Carrie fiser they live in the suburbs on

this culdesac next door to them on this

culdesac is a family named the CLC a

family no one really knows much about

the CLC house looks like the house from

it this taking place during the satanic

Panic of the 80s Ray Peterson and his

friends played by Bruce D and Rick

dukeman they're convinced that their

neighbors are satanic serial killers so

they do what neighbors do in the suburbs

they Snoop which is to say this is a

dark comedy with elements some slapstick

elements as well but

amazingly the genres never intrude on

each other at all works this actually

has a pretty amazing allegory on

Suburbia you know on neighbors because

neighbors are just known to metal that's

right Little Jeremy lived on a little

culdesac and it's not unlike this there

are exaggerations for the sake of

entertainment and comedy but the

elements are here all the adults in the

neighborhood Whispering theorizing about

the weird neighbors the youth like Ricky

Butler played by Corey Feldman in this

film just sitting on his porch watching

it all unfold for his entertainment it's

how I felt I was like this is real this

is my neighborhood everyone in the film

is amazingly cast and play off each

other perfectly Rick dukeman hope I'm

saying his name correctly because he's

amazing in the film and he's actually a

very Central and important character in

the film because he's the one who's

stirring the pot like if you took Bruce

D's character out of the film you would

still have a film being a less

interesting one also I hear tale that

Bruce D ad libed a lot of his lines

there's a lot of hilarious stuff on The

Cutting Room floor don't doubt it at all

he is to me the funniest one in the

film there go the goddamn brownies art

if you take him out of the film you

wouldn't have a film everyone would be

peeking out the curtains theorizing

about the CLC but he's the one who

really stirs the pot gets everyone

worked up to the point of being in and I

got to tip my hat to Carrie Fisher in

here as you know the one sane character

in the entire film it does hilariously

play on the difference between the

husbands and wives you know Carrie

Fisher's character is like we're going

to go over there we're going to have a

nice friendly neighborly chat Bonnie's

like I'll bring brownies this will be

more productive the husbands are like

night vision scopes across the street

that's how we're going to find out the

truth that kind of [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] cracks me up

it's like every comedian's jokes about

the difference between husbands and

wives wrapped up into one film and I

thought the clcs were perfect L cast as

well they're weird yes but they're not

overtly scary on the special features

Joe Dante was talking about how Dr CLC

was supposed to be this big scary guy

but he's like but Henry Gibson he's kind

of unassuming and that's better because

the audience isn't supposed to be like

yep husbands are right the audience is

supposed to be in the dark they're

supposed to be theorizing and guessing

with everyone else in the neighborhood

this film does also have a brief role by

Dick Miller has that man gotten an award

for just being there for all of us in

our childhoods in all the films we

remember him and Robert picardo as the

garbage men sometimes these brief roles

just steal the scenes there also an

appreciation for the continuity all this

garbage gets thrown out of their garbage

truck onto the street and for the rest

of the movie the garbage is still in the

street how many other people would have

made this same film and the garbage

would have just been gone without any

explanation continuity like that makes

the film feel lived in the devils in the

detail also as a person who doesn't talk

about musical scores enough Jerry

Goldsmith score for this film Jerry

Goldsmith and Joe Dante it's like that's

a combination that always creates gold

I've been listening to the BBS in Inner

Space on repeat all week cuz just it's

good music music is a wild thing in

cinema you change the music you change

the tone and sometimes the tone is

completely perfect because of the

composer like imagine home alone without

John Williams doing the musical score

different film the BBS without Jerry

gold smith same thing it's Jerry

Goldsmith's score that's guiding you

down the tone of what you're supposed to

be feeling at any given time just feels

like Jerry Goldsmith had fun with it you

know when Bruce D would come on screen

you hear notes from the patent theme

it's light fun carefree and Whimsical

during the setup but then that Oregan

music comes on when you start seeing the

CLC more it's kind of funny of all the

tracks in the musical score for the BBS

I was listening to the music from the

dream sequence that Ray Peterson has

it's a great piece of music but it

really it's a it's a dark comedy about

meddling about paranoia it's a Black

Mirror On Suburbia I personally think

very effectively so and I think the way

it Blends all these genres together is

it's a very Joe Dante thing you ever

have that thing in your mind I do I

think about this where it's like oh they

don't make movies like that anymore you

know movies like that and when I really

deconstructed it what I meant was they

don't make movies like 880s Joe Dante

anymore the BBS in space Gremlins

explorers explorers is well it's an

incomplete film but still there is an

argument to be made well all right here

we go spoilers for the end of the BBS if

you haven't seen the BBS yet you should

go watch the BBS it's great it's

fantastic and I'm going to talk about

the end because that if I can theorize

might be where the fork in the road is

for people who enjoy the movie and don't

possibly I don't know for sure but

you've been warned

seriously I'm going to give you a couple

more seconds to leave before I talk

about the end of the BBS all right so if

I'm putting on my devil's advocate

glasses here I can see an argument for

the way the ending of the BBS ties

everything up in a nice little bow and

everyone's essentially justified in

their paranoia might be the thing that's

possibly offputting for people it's just

in the way the movie sets it up you know

Tom Hanks has this epic meltdown about

how the clpex aren't the lunatics they

are it's people like them who mow their

lawns 4,800 times and then snap that's

them that's not the CLC it's a great

monologue about don't judge a book by

its cover and yeah maybe people like the

clcs keep to themselves because they

live next door to people who would break

into their houses then that leads into

the very end of the movie where there

are bones in the kopex trunk of the car

and all right well they actually were

killers and well there we go it does

kind of undo an otherwise profound

monologue by Tom Hanks I will say in

terms of Comedy the end of the movie

that we have does make it satisfying and

ties it up in a little bow we're rooting

for Tom Hanks and hey he was justified

great we can all sleep at night and

there are multiple endings for this

movie none of which I have found make it

to where the clcs are not Killers but if

they had made an ending where the clcs

were not serial killers or at the very

least we never found out if they were we

just kind of left with all right well

were they or weren't they don't know

there was still that femur in the

backyard I guess we'll never know know

there might have been a Criterion

release of the BS at this point for

being you know 30 years ahead of its

time I bring it up because maybe it's

the ending that's making it or breaking

it for people I don't know in the end

some call the BBS a classic some call it

a cult classic but me I just call it


tacular just using my powers to to bump

the BBS up a little bit in the Tomato

Meter funny thing before I do videos on

movies that have been out for a while

movies I've seen a hundred times over

I'll always go back and revisit it

because hey what will I catch now that I

didn't catch before I did catch this

this time around in this watch it's my

own fan Theory [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] but I think

there's a strong argument to be made for

art actually being the serial killer in

the neighborhood when we first see him

he's trying to kill small animals he is

hellbent on catching the kex one of two

reasons if we're going down this Rabbit

Hole of theories one he's trying to

deflect and take the attention off of

him or two he sees something in the

clpex that he has in himself he can spot

a serial killer cuz he is a serial

killer we never see his wife we see his

wife at the very end of the movie but

this end of the movie isn't actually the

only ending there is it's just the only

ending I've seen or heard about that

actually shows his wife briefly before

that one insert in this ending that

wasn't the original ending of the film

you just never see Art's wife he just

says oh she's out of town which could be

code for he killed her he's Al the one

who knows the most about skip the

Suburban serial killer he talks about

once in here and when Ray Peterson's

having his satanic Panic dream about the

CL PEX he has art as skip the serial

killer almost like his subconscious put

art in that role because his brain's

trying to tell him something about art

just an observation again we're we're in

the weeds with the deep cut fin Theory

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] I haven't heard this anywhere

else I haven't looked for it either it's

just a thing that popped in my head

while I was watching it this last time

all right so the BS have you seen it

what did you think about it what's your

favorite Joe Dante

film I don't know that this is even my

favorite Joe Dante film another video

for another time I guess whatever it is

whatever you think comment below let me

know and as always if you like what

you've seen here and you want to see

more click right here to see



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