The Exorcist: Believer - Movie Review 2023

The Exorcist: Believer - Movie Review 2023
spooky season is officially upon us who

needs a little bit of Sacrament you need

some Sacrament I do what can I say but

now an excellent day for an


exorcism so Exorcist believer is a new

Exorcist film that will make you think

of imagin Dragons by the title go ahead

try to tell me you

didn't liar it's directed by David

Gordon green who directed the 2018

Halloween Halloween kills and Halloween

ends I guess he was like I guess now

I'll take on The Exorcist I can sum up

this film with one phrase which is

interesting idea did not stick to Ling

and execution as seen in the trailer at

the beginning of this movie the entire

First Act essentially is a missing

person these two little girls go missing

which is why I give this movie or the

trailer more specifically props for

honesty except for Ellen buron I'll get

to her in a second when watching the

trailer I remember thinking looks like

two different movies and it feels like

two different movies so Props to honesty

this time around they have two possessed

girls got to give the girls props I

thought the girls were creepy I will say

with the voices you could tell more in

this movie than some other demonic

possession movies that the voices were

dubbed it was it wasn't the voice that

was coming out of the person when it

comes to creepy possessed demon youth

talking some mad [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] I thought they

were standouts in an otherwise

forgettable film with two possessed

girls that now means two families only

it doesn't really it concentrates on

this widower this single dad and his

daughter and the other family is the I

guess we'll call them the who gives a

shits I think that's the actual name on

their mailbox the editing in this movie

was obnoxious too there was actually a

scene I thought was really cool was when

the dad is talking to the daughter and

over his shoulder there's the possessed

demon version of the daughter the movie

didn't make a big deal about it that's

what made it work that's what made it a

good moment I didn't notice it initially

then I start hearing gasps in the

audience and I was like oh there it is

so it it truly was a chain reaction then

the movie forgets about that has imagery

jump on the screen with a bunch of loud

noise that just assault your senses hey

are you okay yeah I think so it's like

you're trying to throw back to that

scene in The Exorcist when creepy face

flashes onto the screen while forgetting

one of the things that made that scene

effective the silence silence truly is

golden it's fine to let the scene simmer

in silence it's actually kind of what

makes it creepy or you can assault the

audience with a bunch of jump Cuts

people slapping the glass in front of

their jump scares jump Cuts you know

says this guy not jump Cuts jump scares

but you know what I mean and they

weren't just jump scares they were jump

scares to the 10th it's like no one got

the memo audiences are sick and [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

tired of jump scares stop it stop please

no more jump scares but this is the kind

of script that lacks any and all Nuance

situation exists where the girls were

gone for 3 days instead of letting the

audience make the connection or not you

know those who make the connection cool

those who don't it's fine but it means

more to those who do make the connection

that Jesus died and Rose on the third

day Jesus was gone for 3 Days the girls

were gone for 3 days this script has no

faith in the audience so they have to

have a character basically walk the

audience there drawing it out and

craying for them after Jesus was

crucified he was gone for three days

like our

daughters don't know why I was compelled

to say that almost like I I feel like

there's a camera on me showing this

conversation to an auditorium full of

people in a movie theater anyhow let's

go didn't feel organic just came across

as awkward again with the movie having a

good concept that it didn't stick The

Landing to of the exorcism scene was

another one because it deals with a

bunch of different people coming

together to help these two kids out

bunch of people of a lot of different

Faith Saul saying their own prayers

which is a great concept no longer is it

in the hands of the Catholics no longer

do we watch an exorcism scene and go

what if you're not Catholic are you just

kind of screwed but it just felt like

there was were too many irons in the

fire I didn't give a [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] I was like who

are you why do I care have I seen you

before at all before this scene I'm not

quite sure what are you doing here then

the film ended in a way that I felt was

quite frankly very unfulfilling oh yeah

Ellen Burston before I wrap this up I

should talk about the fact that she's in

the movie kind of she's in the trailer

the trailer heavily revolves around her

she's in the movie for a little bit

until she's not it's a very 2023 kind of

situation she's a leg character Cameo

who's in this film for the sake of Cameo

and nothing else if you took her out of

the film entirely nothing would really

change anyhow generic Movie unfulfilling

ending and I'm not going to remember it

in T minus one day yeah I'm out of here

felt like a rushed sloppy generic

exorcism SLP possession film that we've

seen a billion times over all right so

the Exorcist believer have you seen it

what did you think about it or what are

your Halloween movie Traditions every

year what are the movies you got to

watch before Halloween over whatever

they are whatever you think comment

below let me know and as always if you

like what you've seen here and you want

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