The Grudge - Movie Review

The Grudge - Movie Review
all right another Happy New Year another

stretch of January movies there's always

a horror movie in these January anyhow

let's do it so The Grudge is a sequel to

the garage you think anyhow I'm gonna be

honest I saw The Grudge once in theaters

so that's many years ago and I don't

remember much about The Grudge I

remember I'm Sarah Michelle Gellar

that's what I remember and their scene

breadth of things under the bedsheets

and drag someone to hell I guess so this

looks to be a continuation of that world

and if I had any inkling that if you

remember the original grudge Oh that'll

make this movie better I would say that

but I don't I just I never get that

feeling this movie this movie fails in

its own right remembering the original

grudge is not gonna make this one better

but the premise of the grudge is when

someone dies under extreme distress they

remain this hateful angry entity called

a grudge and then they terrorize the

next person which really sounds more

cliche in terms of horror movie as I'm

saying it out loud it's pretty much the

gist right that that's what a lot of

these ghost hunting angry entity movies

are so now we have another one only this

time it concentrates on the cops more

which I want to give props because

that's actually an interesting idea a

horror movie that concentrates on the

cops investigating what's happening

because usually it's the family like our

house is weird let me dig through some

files this one's like now the cops

they're gonna investigate it actually

links to a couple of other families and

couple of other stories I mean there

have been horror movies with cops before

that's that's not new but in terms of

execution I feel like they wanted to

make this like the movie fallen Jive

referenced before but it just I like it

is when I think of fallen the cop

element the police element that's a huge

part of fall it's a police investigation

that ends up leading them to a

supernatural place kind of like a

Stephen King story or something I feel

like that's what they wanted to do with

The Grudge anything I just came across

as a boring horror movie but that's what

you have you have an interesting premise

because every crappy movie started with

a premise that someone's like oh that's

interesting every if not most bad movies

are a failed attempt at making a good

movie that probably starts with a

premise someone thought oh that's an

interesting twist or take on it this

movie is half cop movie one quarter

family haunting movie and one quarter

other family hunting movie because it

does a couple of time jumps and you see

a couple of families who have lived in

this house it's like this movie they

were like we

to make a grudge trilogy we're not

getting a trilogy Oh am just crushed it

into one movie and it gets a little

confusing you're like alright this right

right we're there now right

January movie and it's all about

execution I'm down for a movie jumping

back and forth hell Tarantino's best

film is all about that but this just

didn't stick the landing of it you have

a good cast though you have known actors

horror movie legend actors otherwise

good actors you've seen be good and

other things but they don't do much of

anything it was just it was clearly a

case if they were like all right we need

recognizable faces that people might

know from other horror movies or other

movies in general I just feel like the

characters could have been played by

anybody there's a part of me that thinks

well maybe the reason they feel light is

because essentially a couple of them are

just flashbacks it's not giving enough

time for them to be fleshed out because

the movies dividing your attention among

different characters in which their

stories take place a couple years apart

each but I really feel like if this

movie didn't do that the characters

would feel justice light it just didn't

give them enough to do I mean it's a

horror movie right so we got to talk

about the scares they're not here it's

not a lot of scares it is not a lot of

scares you don't see coming I want to

give them props for one jump scare in

particular didn't have a loud sound it

was a bassy sound it made a sound it

wasn't like like screeched your ears no

it wasn't like that it was it was more

low-frequency I appreciated that thank

you for recognizing that a high audible

sound making your nurse tense to [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] up

is very different than you legitimately

being terrified that said I also wasn't

legitimately terrified I mean at this

point in horror movies I feel like I've

seen a lot of things so I'm not looking

for laying on my back staring at my

ceiling in the pitch dark in my living

room after a hit of salvia scary but an

element of fear would be good in a

horror movie it's just a bunch of crap

you've seen a hundred times before and

you see all of it coming a mile away

which is funny because the supernatural

movie but it concentrating on the cops

perspective and them investigating and

finding their way into the supernatural

world isn't that what Todd McFarlane

wants to do with the new spawn movie if

it ever gets off the ground anyhow

that's always concerned me and after

watching The Grudge I'm like that's why

that concerns me because what you

potentially have is an interesting

concept but what you have in reality in

the case of The Grudge is a really

sloppy movie that comes across as just

war and I cannot stress that enough this

movie is insane

boring and in the end the grudge didn't

offer anything new a lot of the cool

scenes you saw in the trailer the scene

with the hands and the hair sit on the

poster I can't think of it right now but

I think it might be thanks for showing

the best part in the poster I feel like

this movie could somehow be re-edited to

possibly be good and tell them yeah

thanks for the dog [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] all right so The

Grudge the new one have you seen it what

did you think about it or what's your

favorite and or least favorite horror

movie or January horror movie let's get

interesting whatever they are whatever

you think comment below let me know and

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