The Little Things - Movie Review

The Little Things - Movie Review
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the little things so the little things

is written and directed by john lee

hancock and it's this month's hbo max

warner brothers exclusive what do they

have like

one coming to hbo max every month what a

bad business model it's a crime thriller

starring denzel washington romney malek

jared leto and it has a plot that you've

seen a hundred times over seriously

i mean that's being generous i should

say a thousand times over here it is

denzel's the former city cop turned

small-town cop who returns to the city

very briefly but he notices this crime

scene this murder investigation

is very familiar to him from when he was

a city cop so he stays in the city to

work with this new hot shot detective

and they're gonna work together to try

to solve the case a hundred times over

which is fine you can have a plot that

you've seen a hundred times or a

thousand times over as long as it feels

fresh as long as the movie gives you

that hook something that you can just

bite onto something compelling but it

doesn't i mean the cast

is great like it's a great cast on paper

and i feel like they were banking on

that they were like we don't really have


particularly original in here so

hopefully the cast is

what brings people to the theater i know

denzel's fine rami malek's

fine jared leto's typecast that's what i

can say about it it's a great cast who

did the best they could do

given the material they got but you

really feel like the movie was cast

based on the typecast like all right we

need an older big city cop turned small

town beat cop who returns to the big

city detective oh denzel

perfect young hot shot up and coming

detective romney malek just got an oscar

perfect and last but not least your

basic homeless hobo looking weirdo

jeremy johns

shut up jared leto jinx jared leto's

that now he's he's that type of

weirdo so he's that weirdo who talks

like this

and never really blinks in this movie he

is the same weirdo

that he played in blade runner 2049.

just imagine that guy got new

eyes and lost all of his money because

he put all of his money into gamestop

stock when it was at its height before

it crashed

being worth the buck 75 in store credit

and he looks like he lost all that money

but he still acts the same

that's his character here it wasn't

enough for me i felt like the actors in

this movie had enough to be told hey

just kind of do what you do and that's

the thing no one really makes the roles

their own they're just they feel like

they're going through the motions and

they don't put that on them

we know they're great actors we've seen

them give a lot of great performances

denzel is at the top of that list but

there's just not enough in this script

for them to make it their own and that

brings me to denzel and rami malek

they're the two working together i


feel any of that chemistry here i'm not

trying to compare this movie to seven

i'm just saying if you can have a murder

mystery cop investigation in which you

have one cop and another cop

separated by an entire generation and

they're working together they've never

worked together before but you know

they're trying to solve this case and

in seven it completely works at first

they're not super close but you feel

that cop

relationship build i didn't get any of

that here just felt like a couple people

clocking in for the day like all right

we're here when they say action we go

home when they say cut this bum yeah

because i know the actors in here have

so much more to give i started this

video about pretty pessimistic to be

honest with you i mean

it starts out compelling enough this

girl's being chased she's trying to run


some [ __ ] you don't know who it is

but from the get-go i was like this is

pretty compelling stuff i'm digging this

i'm liking it and then it just

it gets going and i'm like go back to

when this movie was compelling it's like

the more

data and information you get in this

movie the less interesting it starts to


and in the end it does take a swing at

having this unconventional

compelling cerebral ending going on but

it wasn't it just didn't work it wasn't

that it's a swing and a miss but when

you give it your all with that swing

when you strike out it's still a

strikeout not like it's like

yeah but i really tried all right yeah

you did take a base awesome though given

enough time i imagine that will be the

rule in baseball soon enough this is a

movie that isn't quite as smart as it

wants to believe it is

and while it's walking you to this point

of unfulfillment you're just checking

your watch

i just so many times because it's

streaming i just push the button like


all right we're an hour into it got

another hour to go yeah i'm just

babbling at this point i already gave

you the hint i'm not gonna remember this

movie in t-minus one day

yep already forgot and again thank you

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i do appreciate it all right so the

little things have you seen it what did

you think about it or what's your

favorite investigative murder mystery

detective movie whatever it is whatever

you think comment below let me know and

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