&to meThunder Force - Movie Review

Thunder Force - Movie Review
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well it's a new movie what's this thing



thunder force right worth knowing so

thunderforce is

kind of exactly what you think it's

gonna be when you hear oh it's the

guy who did tammy who's also married to

melissa mccarthy and melissa mccarthy

gets super powers and it's a comedy

yeah which to be fair the premise sounds


on paper until you're like it kind of

doesn't make any sense but okay it's


i know i'm not supposed to take it too

seriously so in the moments in this

video where i start sounding like i'm

taking it too seriously no i just

you know would like something to flow so

the premise is

in the world people have gotten super

powers but not just anybody anybody

who's predispositioned to be a sociopath

has superpowers so now it's just a bunch

of super villains and there are no

superheroes it's funny because it's not

really what sociopath is not like people

who are

sociopaths sit around they're like i

just think of nefarious ways to hurt

people if only i had super powers

or means and opportunity i guarantee you

everyone out there all of us we know at

least one sociopath and they're probably

fine human beings but it's one of those

plot point things

like we only use 10 of our brain that's

but you know it makes for

fun movies i guess so here we are in

octavia spencer's character is like i'm

going to

create superheroes then melissa mccarthy

accidentally gives herself half of the


it's you see it's going there and in the

movie it was going to be octavia spencer

was going to give herself

both of these serums and so she was

going to have super strength and

invisibility but melissa mccarthy's

character took one of the serums so now

her character

has super strength and octavia spencer

her character's invisibility

so which actually logistically makes

sense i mean if you're thinking of

mmo or video game team ups dps and a


that works i mean you probably want a

tank in there somewhere but yeah

dps and rogue is that my friend and i

would roll problem is it's a superhero


which is actually a boring superhero

movie that doesn't really make you laugh

that's pretty much tammy with

superpowers and it's a problem i see a

lot in these melissa mccarthy movies

it's just her character

she's the same character she just has a

new job in every movie sometimes she's a

boss sometimes she's a mom going back to


sometimes she's tammy now she's tammy

with superpowers and in terms of the

comedy there were a couple of

chuckles sure but really for the most

part the funniest one in this movie was

melissa leo when you have melissa

mccarthy doing her thing

ad libbing there's a joke for everything

it's just and the jokes go on forever

almost in that hey notice me kind of way

i just prefer melissa leo's

subtle responses to that that's what

gave me a chuckle in this movie

she's not in it much though so the rest

of the movie i was like it's just

it's just nonsense in the way that a lot

of these melissa mccarthy movies feel


they feel like someone was like hey just

ad-lib you know do your thing

we'll fill it in later just ad-lib and

make jokes which doesn't always work for

a movie objectively if i pull myself out

of it and i imagine okay this lady was

like at a party at my house

she would be the funniest one in the

room absolutely i would beg her to come

back to the next party

she'd be hysterical can i imagine when

they're filming the entire crew the

camera crew they're just laughing their

asses off it's like oh dude

this lady's funny she's quick she's

sharp she just

has jokes about everything that said

it's not enough to keep a movie afloat

you still need

the plot to go somewhere you still need

good writing you still need characters

to give a about just a bummer


really good actors in this movie melissa

leo like i said octavia spencer jason


that's a guy with crab hands it's like

the world doesn't make sense at that

point you know you want a world where

all right all these super villains and

now we need to make superheroes but

people still interact with jason bateman

and his lobster hands like you know it's

just like like they're not there like no

it's fine

even though i know that you have lobs or

hands which means you have super powers

which means you are a super villain

you know just no one deals with it like

that which in the end is a comedy and it

would all be forgiven if the movie made

me laugh it really didn't had a couple


usually with melissa leo couple with

melissa mccarthy i'm not gonna say i

didn't but it's just those chuckles you

know nothing where i was like that is

truly clever and if the movie's not

making you laugh it's just boring you to


the 45 minutes of this movie is her

training to be a superhero

which to be fair a lot of superhero

movies are like that a lot of the origin

story ones the first half of the movie

is them training to be a hero only thing

is you're invested in them invested in

the world

when she's in the facility training to

be a superhero

i totally forgot that there were super

villains in this world i kind of forgot

the world we were dealing with heroes

just in this lab the entire time

forgot that there were super villains

out there at all you see a news clip and

you're like

oh yeah there are super villains

everywhere that's why this is happening

in the end the movie didn't do much for


i got a little bit of joy out of it

because i was like hey it's a new movie

it kind of feels good to just

watch a new movie and do a video on it

and you know maybe it's even unexpected

you know on fridays i'm going to do my

falcon the winter soldier thing

you didn't know this was coming today

did you this is what happens when i'm

sitting down like alright i feel like

i'd do a video today

what's new ah that's new

i guess that that wins i guess that's it

hey don't be pissed i'm the one who had

to watch it the movie wasn't funny

it wasn't exciting it wasn't interesting

i just kind of

nothing to it you know i'm going to

generously say i'm not going to remember

this one in t-minus one day yep

already forgot all right so thunder

thunder force right

i said t-minus i'm not making that up i

just said it a few minutes ago but here

i am

forgot it again pretty sure it's thunder

force though regardless have you seen

super tammy what did you think about it

whatever you thought comment below let

me know and as always if you like what

you've seen here and you want to see

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