Top 5 SCARIEST Episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation

Top 5 SCARIEST Episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation
all right having some fun and spooky

season cuz I love Star Trek the Next

Generation you know I love Star Trek the

Next Generation so this is the perfect

time for me to list off my top five

creepiest or otherwise scariest episodes

of Star Trek the Next Generation but


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getting to the list a couple things to

know this isn't a top five well it is

it's a top five but they're not in order

of preferred to least preferred or vice

versa they're not in any real order of

preference I put them in order of you

know it's kind of like making a mixtape

or a playlist if you prefer did I just

age myself with the term mixtape

whatever get your Walkman boom box or

otherwise tape player together and let's

go down this Rabbit Hole of the top five

scariest Star Trek the Next Generation

episodes for me starting out this list

season 4 episode 17 the episode known as

night terrors the crew the Enterprise

runs across this ghost ship and it looks

like the crew just went mad then they

themselves start getting agitated

irritable they start hallucinating

seeing things hearing things that aren't

there this is the episode that actually

taught me the importance of sleep and

dreaming and how if you don't don't do

that you'll just go nuts counselor Troy

floating through green screen dream

sequences aside this episode has some

pretty solid psychological horror

moments this is a great episode showing

a crew's descent into Insanity due to a

lack of what we all require every night

sleep and dreams which makes it

relatable effective and scary next up we

have season 4 episode 18 identity crisis

that was a one two punch episodes 17 and

18 both on this list didn't know it when

I picked them but when I picked them and

it all started to come into Focus two

back-to-back episodes of Trek in my

formative years that led to probably

more therapy than I otherwise would have

required now identity crisis I've

actually mentioned in other videos Jordi

leforge is changing into another life

form that would be creepy enough but

it's not what creeps me out with this

episode the real creep Factor comes from

Jordy looking over old footage of a

mission he was on he notices a shadow

that doesn't belong to anyone in the

frame he goes to the Hol deck he has the

computer just eliminate the people and

lo and behold there's this Rogue Shadow

he says all right computer if the shadow

belongs to someone of my height and

general Dimensions where would this

person or thing be the computer just

plops it right in front of him there was

just someone there amidst everybody and

no one knew it because the being was

invisible that haunted me as a child

continues to haunt me to this day the

concept of someone being there without

you knowing just scares the living

out of me I don't like the feeling I

mean I kind of like it but I don't like

it I love to be scared by it and that

that attachment comes from this episode

any shape seen in the shadows anytime

you've looked into the woods while

camping and feel like you're being

watched to me it's this episode even

Blair Witch Project threw me back to

this episode of Trek it's the concept of

a ghost watching you in your house

without you knowing but something more

tangible in the physical world because

it's a humanoid life form holding to the

tradition of bone chilling holc reveals

we have season 6 episode five the

episode schisms this is another episode

where the crew of the Enterprise is like

I'm not getting a lot of sleep I'm kind

of dragging ass I'm irritable only with

the fear of the 9s that fear being alien

abductions before that reveal actually

happens though it's epic setup whether

it's moments where rker goes to his

quarters the camera stays on him he lays

down to go to sleep Jordy comes to his

quarters like hey you ready to work he's

like what are you talking about I just

went to bed and J's like it's those 700

hours dude lost an entire night and we

were there with him the entire time how

is that possible Warf getting sketched

out over a pair of scissors again with

the psychological horror like most of

these episodes are essentially

psychological thrillers but to me that's

scarier that's what makes something

scary and that's Peak scary Trek in that

scene where a few of them are in the Hol

deck like all right well let's start

with a table I remember a table and they

slowly start to form this thing that

looks like an operating table with the

ambient clicking sound of aliens

Spotlight on the table but the

background's really dark and jordy's

like I've been in this room before and

Riker is like we've all been here before

and this time around even data wasn't

impervious usually in episodes like this

it's like okay well what's data think

because he doesn't sleep he's not losing

time but he was losing time his internal

chronometer was off no one was safe

cherry on top is when Beverly Crusher

looks at ryker's hand and she's like

your arm has been severed and then

reattached it's off by like 0.6 microns

or something like that someone

surgically removes your arm and put it

back on probably when the audience was

watching you almost SLI and then I guess

a whole night just disappeared in this

case the Intriguing scientific Hook is

the power of the subconscious and its

ability to remember even if you

consciously don't this next episode man

I really wanted this episode but I also

wanted the episode called where Silence

has leas sorry nilum otherwise known as

creepy floating fetus face you got

bumped but you got bumped for frame of

mind that would be season 6 episode 21

because what is a list like this without

the Asylum episode Commander Riker

starring in a play we all love that

about track there's always those fun

recreational moments and this one takes

it it's like yeah but what if rker

starts losing his mind and going nuts

the play takes place in an asylum and

then rker is in the actual Asylum that

looks like the play and then he bounces

back and forth between the Enterprise

and the Asylum that looks like the play

one of the things I like about this

episode just in terms of film making is

that Tre famous line that rker delivers

in the play which is I may be surrounded

by insanity but I'm not insane seeing

him deliver that same line multiple

times throughout the episode as he is

going mad and seeing the inflection

change this episode did a miraculous

thing especially at being season 6 by

the time it aired we know that Riker's

first officer of the Starship Enterprise

and something else is going on but this

does plant the seed of Doubt of but what

if again with the psychological Thriller

episodes being among the best in Trek

when I made my five of my favorite

episodes of Star Trek the Next

Generation video frame of mind was on

the list but I really wanted cause and

effect on that list it broke my heart to

remove it so if we're talking creepiest

track episodes I'm including it here and

finishing off this list of five scary

Next Generation episode that would be

season 7 episode 19 Genesis which is

actually directed by Gates mcfaden who

plays Dr Beverly Crusher in the show

little tidbit the crew start acting a

bit strange you know something's up and

then Captain Bard and data returned to

the Enterprise via shuttlecraft the

Enterprise was is just kind of a drift

they get on the Enterprise and it's

clear this is the survival horror

episode of Next Generation the place

looks like a war zone it's completely

uncapped the lights are all flickering

and blinking data finds out that all

these dormant latent genes that we all

have after eons of evolution they're all

being reactivated among the crew and the

crew is De evolving for the life of me

with the concept of the crew is De

evolving I cannot reconcile oh and

Barkley became a spider maybe it's

because I'm not a biologist maybe it's

because entertainment writers are also

not biologists but I've done the mental

gymnastics and I come to the conclusion

of well you know entertainment but the

episode hits Peak alien when they're

being pursued by De evolved Warf that

looks like Predator well kind of you

don't really get a good look at him

maybe it's because of budget or makeup

it's best to keep him in the shadows but

it worked better you have enough to know

that Warf has become this really

aggressive pissed off apex predator

thing and that's all you need to know is

that warf's going to wipe him out

without knowing it cuz he's not

consciously Warf anymore that's actually

what freaked me out most is when Crusher

before before it all really goes down

we're still in the setup phase Dr

Crusher is like what are those sacks on

your cheek Warf open your mouth Warf

spits acid like Reptile from Mortal

Kombat point is this is the episode that

caused biologists to beat their heads

against the wall but in terms of tone is

a great survival horror episode of track

and it's one of my favorites I got to

give special props to Jonathan Franks

for flipping the bird on '90s Prime Time

television and not getting caught epic

move from a legend right there so that's

it that's my list of my top five

scariest or creepiest episodes of Star

Trek the Next Generation I know videos

like this comparatively don't get a lot

of views for my channel but hey I make

this for my fellow Trek fans out there

my fellow trekkies and gives you a

better look into my soul but seriously I

do appreciate you seeing this video on

your timeline you're like that's weird

I'm in watch it love you for that I know

there are episodes that you wanted to

see on this list that I don't have on

this list that's where comment sections

come in conspiracy almost made the list

that was on the short list too that's a

good one what are five of the creepiest

or otherwise scariest episodes of Star

Trek the Next Generation for you

whatever they are whatever you think

comment below let me know and as always

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