Totally Killer - Movie Review

Totally Killer - Movie Review
all right so here's a movie you've been

waiting for me to talk about I'm going

to be honest I was just going about my

day and I was like what else comes out

this weekend besides Exorcist bever

totally killer not going to lie it does

not sound like my thing I don't know why

probably because the title is totally

killer there's nothing about that that

screams hey Jeremy you busy this

Thursday we have a film here waiting for

you but it was on Amazon Prime the

effort to watch it was very

minimal so [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] it the fact that I'm

even doing this video probably tells you

the movie is God awful or surprisingly

enjoyable don't you give me that

deductive reasoning like well you don't

have a scotch in your hand so it must

have been surprisingly good I don't

drink in every negative


review so totally killer is a

light-hearted kind of com well I mean

it's a comedy yeah but I think it was

trying to be more comedic than it ended

up being because I never had those laugh

out loud moments but I did have Chuckles

a story is back in 1986 there was this

serial killer who killed three girls in

this high school and then disappeared

all these years later one of the

surviving girls from that school has a

daughter of her own that girl gets

blasted back to 1986 correction 1987

whatever so she's privy to some

information which she's going to be like

I'm going to try to stop this killer

sounds like Back to the Future meet SL

reflect but isn't yeah pretty much the

movie stars k shipka who I thought was

great as the lead in the film she gets

blasted back to the 80s so what's the

fun there what's the fun in a time

travel comedy well talking [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] about

the times obviously example she gets a

ride to school from one of the parents

one of the parents being a smoker she

opens the door and the smoke just just

nicotine smoke everywhere two little

kids in the back seat just watching her

go to school just in nicotine smoke it's

going to be an entire generation of kids

are going to be like that did that

happen back then yes and that's probably

the reason I have a Dy C off to this day

sometimes it's [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] talk about the time

sometimes it's just technology they

don't have then the main characters like

oh I didn't even think that they

wouldn't have that like DNA I mean not

to say DNA didn't exist yeah life itself

wasn't around no DNA testing that's what

I mean there was a part of me when the

movie started that was a little

concerned as to whether or not the

movie's going to be unintentionally

campy I'll probably never get the answer

to that question but when you see the

time machine it just looks like yeah

this high school student creates a time

machine 10 years ago on that premise

alone I would have said okay this is

obviously a comedy you're not supposed

to take that too seriously but just this

year we saw a movie where a high school

student made a Quantum device in a

garage that took them to meet Kang so

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] if I know what you're supposed to

take seriously anymore but the time

machine itself the prop looked like

someone went to a random Spencer's Gift

in a mall in the 9s and grabbed up all

the little lighting things that they

sell there slapped them together in 2023

so yeah it looks like the time machine

prop involved time travel itself to make

point is somewhere between slasher flick

cheese comedy and

lighthearted parental time travel

Adventure the film does find its stride

and I was able to kick my feet up and

enjoy myself in which case [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] I guess

there is logic to the the observation

that no Scotch means I'm not going to

bag on the film and the point is it

doesn't have to I'm going to get you

next time negative review no Scotch

head's going to spin the serial killer

element itself is actually one of the

weak spots of the film first of all the

Killer is called the sweet 16 killer

because he stabs the victim 16 times it

sounds brutal when I'm explaining it for

a YouTube video on screen in execution

it's violent enough but it can lack

variety not a deal breaker but

undeniably part of the fun of a slasher

flick is the varying ways the killer

will dispatch someone here you know well

he's going to stab the person let me

guess 16 times they do their best to

shake it up there is actually a pretty

solid group fight against the killer

that I really like Not only was the

killer mask week it just looks like a

generic purge mask you can get from

Spirit Halloween store right now maybe

it's supposed to be a Max hrum mask

without the sunglasses that would make

more sense for the time this takes place

in but I thought the killer reveal was

weak as well you could have done so much

more given the premise of the film and

just kind of like oh okay I guess the

thing I enjoyed most about it wasn't

even the serial killer backdrop it was

the dynamic between the daughter and her

parents yes it's a premise we've seen

many times in film iconic films even the

movie does at least address the

parallels with Back to the Future in

here on screen I like the take on the

parental dynamic because it is kind of

like Back to the Future but Back to the

Future but what if Lorraine and George

McFly were dicks what if your parents

were the kind of [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] in high school

who would never hang out with you and

you could not hang out with them but you

have to because you have to save them

from a serial killer it's not a

cinematic deconstruction of the slasher

film horror genre per se that we've seen

films effectively be in the past but it

is an enjoyably self-aware time travel

slasher film party movie for when you

and your friends want to lighten the

mood for that Halloween Horror Night

movie binge with some drinks yeah now

it's a party are so totally killer have

you seen it what did you think about it

or for your Halloween binge what's a

Halloween movie that's more fun than

scary whatever it is whatever you think

comment below let me know and as always

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