Why I Refuse To BuyStar Wars Battlefront!

Why I Refuse To Buy
Star Wars Battlefront!
okay uh this is my Star Wars Battlefront

video I've seen a lot of requests people

like hey when are you gonna play Star

Wars Battlefront have you gotten Star

Wars Battlefront what are you going to

review Star Wars Battlefront this is the

video Star Wars Battlefront that you

guys are getting and as you can tell by

the title it's not really a review of

Star Wars Battlefront I'm just informing

you all where I'm coming from as a gamer

and why I can't in good conscience get

Star Wars Battlefront by and large has

to do with the $50 DLC the Star Wars

Battlefront has to be clear from the

get-go this video is not meant to make

anybody who is enjoying Star Wars

Battlefront who bought Star Wars

Battlefront no like hey I loved it I

already got my season pass I'm having a

good time this video is not made for you

to feel like a piece of [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] if you are

having fun with the game awesome power

to you game should be fun I'm glad

you're having fun this is just my own

personal principle and why I just can't

do it anymore

and didn't start with Star Wars

Battlefront this has been building

inside me like inside my gamer core for

quite some time in like mount st. helens

before it the pressure finally built it

exploded I was like I can't do this

anymore I can't play this game that

developers are playing with us the

gamers it started before star wars

battlefront it really liked when I drew

the line in the sand I was like I can't

do that anymore it was really with

destiny more specifically with the

taking King I had bought destiny but

then I ended up returning it because it

started to bore me no cigar whatever my

friends bought the season pass so they

got the expansions that came out smart

right well no because then the taking

king expansion came out they packaged it

with the core game the two expansions

that came before it and the Fallen Kings

would like alright now you're paying

full price for a game again so you paid

full price for destiny you paid for your

season past now you got to pay for

another entire game when really you're

getting 1/4 of a game it really made no

sense to me it was one of the things

where I always said if destiny ever

dropped down to like 20 bucks I'd

probably pick it up again and play it

but out of principle of that I can't

play destiny every 20 bucks one buck I

can't do it so enter star wars

battlefront star wars battlefront is a

full price $60 game that has $50 dlc it

is a $50 season pass that effectively

makes it a $110 game and EA had the

balls to buzz like you but there's no

microtransactions everything's cool

right no it doesn't matter because one

$50 transaction or

in five dollar transactions what's

better the fact is none are better it's

all $50 of crap you have to buy after

buying the game to get the experience

the game was crafted for so it really is

just robbery that everyone kind of

accepts and the gaming industry just

responds to your wallets they don't care

if you hate what they're doing they care

that you bought the games everyone is

bitching the [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] $50 deal so you

still bought Star Wars Battlefront so EA

is smiling and they love you for it it

really reminds me of straight out of

Compton there's this scene where these

people are protesting NWA and have other

CDs and they're smashing them on the

ground and stepping on him I think it

was dr. Dre was looking at it it was

like [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] him they already bought the

see it is it was such a great scene

because that is the point if you already

bought it you can scream as loud as you

want that you hate it but you already

bought it when the blu-ray releases of

the original Star Wars trilogy came out

like the first blu-ray release and Lucas

of course changed [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] again Darth Vader

yelled nerd when you pick up the Emperor

and threw him off the thing I saw this

thing on TV and it was this group of

guys it review movies is what they did

and they were bitching about it they

were like oh this is [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] I can't

believe he did that I can't believe you

change it again and one of the other

ones was like are you gonna buy the

blu-rays like well yes but [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] you

George Lucas [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] you for making me do

this and I remember seeing it I was like

you're buying it you have told him that

it's okay you've told them that it's

okay because you're going to buy it

anyway and that's just what companies

respond to is you speaking with your

wallet so on this on this principle I

just got to speak with my wallet on Star

Wars Battlefront a Star Wars fan one

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] Star Wars shirt Star Wars

Battlefront should have been the thing

that was like what fallout new Star Wars

man that's what I'm here for but I can't

again nothing against people who can and

who do if this is what you like awesome

have fun with it I just can't do it is

kind of like vegetarians I know this one

dude he's a vegan he's like I don't eat

animals because I don't like the animals

get killed for me to eat them but it's

nothing against people who do eat meat

it's just some people do some people

don't and this one I just I can't I'm

not naive and I'm not stupid I know that

EA is not gonna be like well Jeremy

didn't buy it [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] we really got to

reevaluate this I'm not expecting a huge

change I would hope that people who

don't like it don't buy it

and so in that I mean if everyone who

hated the fact that battlefront had

$50.00 DLC didn't buy EA would genuinely

have to just really wait [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] but um

maybe we shouldn't do that maybe we

should just release it in the game when

it comes out if I felt that the game

Star Wars Battlefront all-in-all would

be worth a hundred and ten bucks I'd

probably get it but I played it at PAX

and it was a pretty on par first-person

shooter with Star Wars skins and yeah

there's the argument like well if you

don't want to pay a hundred ten bucks

don't pay a hundred ten bucks you don't

need the extra stuff you can just pay

the sixty dollars for the game but you

can but really think about that because

I know I'm going to be playing it or

you'll be playing it someone will be

playing it they'll have the $60 game

they'll be like I'm only getting a $60

game I'm not paying the $50 DLC did one

of their friends will pay for the $50

DLC and it will admittedly have some

cool [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] in there and they'll look at

it and they'll just see everything they

don't have and then they'll be like ah

well I want that so now I'm going to buy

it and that's just human nature and it's

also a human nature that companies like

EA count on they count on the fact that

the stubborn people who aren't going to

buy it are going to just buy the $60

game and you'll see they're friends with

the $50 DLC on top of it and then

they're just going to want the $50 DLC

because they want the cool [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] that

they're seeing but it does make me feel

a bit

oh they're gamers now there are kids now

who game who don't know a world without

Dale say they don't know what it's like

to not get nickel and dimed after the

game was released Inc it's normal I am a

certain mindset among an environment and

the environments either going to destroy

me or the environments going to change

and I imagine I'm just going to get

destroyed but if enough people do this

and speak with their wallets then the

environment does have to change and

that's kind of my point of it that's my

video on Star Wars Battlefront that's

why on principle I can't get Star Wars

Battlefront because I can't just buy

something because it's Star Wars

so again if you're enjoying Star Wars

Battlefront you enjoy Star Wars

Battlefront but I myself I can't do the

DLC thing I've seen companies for long

enough treat DLC as the point of the

game being made there was a time where

DLC was kind of a byproduct of the game

to release like the game was released

now we can kind of tack on some extras

but now a core game comes out because

the DLCs were the money

and so it's kind of like it's all

reversed it's the dlcs the point and

that's where they make their money and

the games just kind of the byproduct of

how you get the deal see yeah I do want

to see what you guys say about it I do

read the comments believe it or not so

DLC what do you think about it is it is

it okay in among gaming or is it just

like you've had enough and it's just

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] whatever you think comment

below let me know and as always if you

like what you've seen here and you want

to see more click right here to see more

YY x XA b x a get the lightsaber in

minute one of the games slice through

some [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

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