Dark City - Movie Review

Dark City - Movie Review
this is strange this is so weird back in

2020 when Co lockdown was happening I

was like all right well there are no

movies so I'll pull from the 90s and

review movies I have not talked about or

reviewed on my channel yet dark city was

one of those movies which is to say for

the past three years I have believed

I've had a dark city review out there in

the world on my channel and I guess I

just haven't I know it probably sounds

like I'm making jokes because dark city

I'm not I swear

I don't understand this anyhow let's

review dark city for the first time in

my Channel's history


apparently also this is going to be a

spoiler free review I don't care how

many years ago this movie came out it

could be a hundred years still should do

a spoiler-free review cuz that's the

point here to Intrigue some people who

haven't seen dark city into seeing dark

city so you can have that magical

experience so dark city came out in 1998

directed by Alex prus the director of

The Crow which was man in the 9s he was

in the zone with the one two punch of a

crow in dark city it stars Rufus Su as

Mr Murdoch who wakes up with a case of

Amnesia does not know who he is he's

trying to find out who he is a detective

played by William Herz also looking for

him cuz he's like I think he might be a

serial killer also these really pale

creepy guys and long coats who float are

also looking for him it's an amazing

beautiful looking and compelling Noir

sci-fi and if you're about to bounce cuz

I have not kept your attention on this

one please take this one with you watch

the director's cut not the theatrical

cut because an entire audience of people

who saw the theatrical cut got the movie

ruined for them there is a key for

voiceover at the very beginning of the

theatrical cut of dark city spoiling the

who what when where why of the entire

film tainting the experience of this

mystery because any clues you're seeing

you're now seeing through spoiler

goggles that you're not supposed to have

you're not supposed to have this

information until the last Act that was

a studio call the studio said well you

need that because audiences are too dumb

to stay engaged and follow this movie

because well your movie trailer was

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] perfect visuals imagery Intrigue

that awesome song that I believe came

from the trailer of dark city it's also

on the DVD menu of Brotherhood of the

wolf it's that song it's a perfect

trailer song It's a movie that gets

better every time I watch it it truly is

timeless but it's Timeless in the sense

that it is a deconstruction of and

asking the question of what is

consciousness what are we that's not

something you think about less as you

get older you only think about it more

which means you only relate to dark city

more this was the first movie I can

remember seeing Rufus Su in he's great

and perfect for

Murdoch I don't even want to spoil his

first name it's no big deal but still at

a points like Jay Murdoch what does that

mean and you're supposed to experience

that he's perfect in this film as the

everyday man maybe he's a serial killer

maybe he's a good guy he has the look of

both he has an intensity in his eyes

I've always loved it dark city is the

top tier perfect casting when it comes

to Rufus Su the one that shocked me was

key for Southerland in the trailer he

has the most epic turnaround because

something got your attention scene I was

like oh Kefir is going to be such a

[Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] badass look at him he's he's not

that kind of guy he's a bit of a

tortured and tormented Soul you could

have a prequel film revolving all around


character I really hope they don't do

that now that I threw that out there

into the universe don't do that

Hollywood don't [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] up dark city but

Rufus Jennifer Connelly kefir souland

William Hurt they're all great in the

film to no one's surprised and want to

give some love to Richard O'Brien as Mr

Hand among the mystery men in dark city

he's the main one leading the pursuit

for Rufus su's character and he's

fantastic a complete scene stealer also

given the premise of the film very

complex now from the visuals in the

trailer you can tell there's more going

on here than just is this guy a serial

killer or not and you'd be 100% correct

in that assessment but again it's more

fun for you to experience if you haven't

already than to hear my ass talk about

it but what I love is it stays in the

zone I would describe dark city as a

Noir sci-fi the real MVP is the camera

work in tone the cinematography creating

this world in dark city it is God here

that hybrid aesthetic of different

decades coming together going Splat

almost feels like Burton's Batman if it

took place all at night and felt more

claustrophobic dark city might very well

be the film that taught Hollywood hey if

you do CGI in dark scenes or at night it

hides it I mean it's 1998 CGI so it's

still noticeable the very end of the

movie has more of it but the road

getting there like when there CGI scene

sprinkled into the film and the city's

changing dude it's really cool looking

it was at the time we all have trained

eyes at this point to notice CGI but the

high concept it's dealing with that's

what makes it land still I will say

there is a point in the last act where

it's a lot more CGI and it's all

happening a lot faster just in terms of

tone and visuals it just kind of it it

always felt out of place it feels like

the antithesis of the road leading to it

it doesn't ruin the experience of dark

city it's just it's worth mentioning

because it is a review after all again

the end dark city is an absolute sci-fi

classic of the 9s dark city is just

engaging from the very beginning the

moment he wakes up your hook him not

knowing any more or less than the

audience and vice versa it's the perfect

setup for a film in which you're

discovering the answers together also in

the way it's executed it's a great

rewatch now knowing the answers going

back through the film no idea why some

suit somewhere would make the call yeah

but let's ruin all of that with a voice

over at the

beginning boom it's an intriguing

engaging beautiful sci-fi Noir that you

will only relate to more the older you

get and dark city is awesome


tacular all right so dark city have you

seen it what did you think about it it

was a sci-fi film that doesn't get a lot

of chatter but should get more chatter

because it's that great whatever it is

whatever you think comment below let me

know and as always if you like what

you've seen here and you want to see

more right here to see



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