Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Game Review

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - Game Review

man there is so much I want to talk

about in this video this is one of those

reviews I I just have to accept the fact

that it's never going to feel complete

it's just going to get uploaded also

letting you know this is going to be a

spoiler-free review for the Spider-Man 2

game I will talk about you know what

villains are in it things that you've

seen in the promotional material also in

a world where Insomniac games came out

and told the world who Venom is not

before the game even came out I'll talk

about who Venom is not but I'm not going

to tell you who Venom is because I feel

like that's a reveal you're supposed to

experience as The Story Goes On maybe

you find it obvious I don't know but in

a world where I got to talk about Venom

here I'd rather air on the side of

caution with that all right here we


go so Spider-Man 2 is insomniac PS5

exclusive very successful sequel to the

very successful Spider-Man you have

Peter Parker Spider-Man Miles Morales a

Spider-Man you get to play as both

craving the hunter come to New York for

the good hunt Peter Parker gets the

symbiote suit and everything that leads

to to New York is bigger than it was

before once again you do feel like you

are New York's protector no matter who

you are is Spider-Man that's one of the

things I liked on the Fly you can swap

between Peter Parker or Miles Morales

some of the side missions are specific

to one Spider-Man or the other but when

you're generally going through the city

taking down criminals you can pick

whoever you want that's awesome that

they know there are fans of both people

want to be who they want to be and I

felt this game did a really good job at

balancing the importance of the

Spider-Man would have been easy to be

like yeah equal to Peter Parker story

and the DLC guy I know he's not DLC got

his own game I'm just saying it could

have felt like that but this does feel

like a team effort miles has some great

story arcs just for him personally plus

when you as Peter get the symbiote suit

it's what you know about the Symbio suit

feels really cool at first and then it

becomes a problem because Peter Parker

becomes an I like the fact that

even when Peter is an you still

play as him it can be immersion breaking

I felt like I was supposed to do some of

the side missions before I went on with

the story so the story Peter's becoming

much more hardcore and then I'll go and

take out a bunch of criminals and he's

like hey just doing my job New York

friendly neighborhood Spider-Man also

the blood the slaughter he doesn't say

that but you know what I mean so I like

that you get to play as more hardcore

Spider-Man also you get to see it

Through The Eyes of Miles Morales which

is my friend he's changing and I feel

like he's in trouble it balanced the

themes you have villains that play off

of the themes in the game like you take

the lizard Dr Connor is a victim of the

lizard he's essentially a hostage of the

lizard when the lizard is out as Peter

Parker is a hostage of the symbiote suit

though he doesn't quite know it yet also

the dude I got it the dialogue when I

was fighting the lizard was epic cuz

your symbiote suit Spider-Man starts

becoming a bit more of a dick and I'm

fighting the lizard he's like no wonder

your family left you I was

like L blow dude but in order to

Traverse this more enormous New York you

now have new abilities namely the web

gliders you can glide around like your

Batman or some you got some good

updrafts to keep you in the air some jet

streams you can find to make it faster

cuz there were moments where I was like

is gliding truly faster than web

swinging you find one of those jet

streams the answer is a resounding yes

also at a point fast travel unlocks it

does it per section you have to do

enough missions in any given section and

then fast travel unlocks for that

section and fast travels awesome it just

it looks cool you can aim the cursor at

any point on the map in a section you

have unlocked fast travel 4 hold that

button down the map becomes reality and

in you go in terms of gameplay the

fighting very familiar to what you know

from the previous Spider-Man game the

combos are very familiar I will say this

game in terms of combat was much easier

than the previous Spider-Man game it's

probably because they inundate you with

so many Tech and special abilities you

essentially have eight that you can do

even if you run into one of the big guys

it's supposed to be a big problem you

can hit him with one of your Tech

abilities that'll stun him you start

comboing him he snaps out of it you hit

him with another one you start comboing

him rinse and repeat at a point you

figure that out they cease to really be

a problem but also in terms of just the

general multitasking I felt the first

Spider-Man game had a lot more you had

to keep your head on a swivel floor a

lot more enemies with rocket launchers

if I'm stacking it up taking out a base

in Spider-Man was much more difficult

than taking out a base in Spider-Man 2

you have a myriad of side missions in

here you have the sciency things no

longer a 2d puzzle I like puzzle

mechanic side missions I just do give me

those Bioshock one puzzles all day long

I just get a kick out of them this one

the puzzles are far easier but you do

have puzzles nonetheless feel like

that's a big theme in Spider-Man 2 in

every real sense I can think of the game

is easier fighting groups of enemies is

easier the bosses are easier the puzzles

are easier the platinum trophy itself is

easier but for the side mission some are

fun some are lame I have myself to blame

I just wasn't connecting with the whole

Miles Morales helping his high school

out so I finished those missions up when

the was hitting the fan and I was

like oh by the way let me help you with

those yearbook photos you do it and

they're like oh by the way uh can you

take three more pictures oh by the way

when you're done with that can you just

swing around the school presumptuous

dicks but I helped them out did it

because I need that platinum trophy and

you do have missions where you play as

Mary Jane and here yes you remember

Spider-Man 1 those MJ missions that just

ground the momentum of the game to a

halt there are missions in Spiderman 2

where you play as Mary Jane I will say

though the game play much more engaging

and exciting not saying I buy the fact

of Mary Jane Watson sneaking up on and

taking out a squad of Craven Hunters

don't give me that I'm being sexist

you know it doesn't make a lot of sense

most people wouldn't be able to do that

that's my point I was going through that

thing like I was Roar Shack or some

one do you seem to understand I'm not

locked in here with

you you're locked in here with me I will

reiterate though the MJ gameplay much

more fun this time around and I'll take

fun over sneaking around slog Fest one

of the new and absurdly fun abilities

you get in this game is the ability to

make this little web Highwire you can

walk out on take enemies out from above

via stealth but you can also like aim it

up and create web ramp High wires and

dude by the end I was just looking

around I'm like this looks like a spider

layer it's not like the Arkham games the

Arkham games people you get spotted and

they're shooting at you you go across a

couple gargoyles people like ah I

where you go he's right here I it was

like he was here and then he he went

that way and he just became invisible

Spider-Man's like no I saw you I could

see you doing that too what are you

doing it's not as easy to escape I found

that fun that makes the stealth kills

more gratifying and fulfilling when you

pull them off when you clear out a whole

room you just feel badass but the

villains man I got to tell you this I

feel really bad for Aaron Taylor Johnson

at this point because what you get in

here is craving Prime Craven's great in

here first of all he's coming to New

York to hunt Spider-Man's enemies

because he's like that's the real game

right there he's this apex predator who

lives for the hunt Spider-Man has some

very huntworthy villains out there I

stress villains because that was such a

cool part of this game you have to

protect your enemies from another enemy

because Spider-Man's like I'm not about

killing people unless Jeremy's playing

as Spider-Man I heard that you can go

around the building and you see them web

to the building that broke my heart all

right fine I'll save my blood Lust For

The Wolverine game whatever but you

don't just get Craven it's not like he's

this guy who comes into the city I mean

he is but it's the Craven culture you

get you really feel like this guy's

entire life and sense of being is all

about the hunt in a very Primal sense

you get it you understand it that's so

cool also the symbiote suit the symbiote

suit is in and of itself its own story

it's dealing with also a villain a

villain posing as a friend there's so

much cool power to be had by wearing the

symbiote suit but my God they do such a

great job at illustrating that this suit

is a parasite it's not a symbiotic

relationship it's a parasitic

relationship it's taking far more than

it gives it gives you the illusion of

getting something but in the end you are

simply a host for its will that's always

been the story of the Symbiote soup but

when you have hours of gaml fleshing

this out it just hits different it hits

deeper I even love the aesthetic of the

suit where you look a little deeper and

you can tell it's moving a little bit it

is a living epidermis and then at a

point Peter really starts losing himself

to this thing and it just looks like a

straight up alien skin I just got a

deeper sense of how one loses themselves

to this parasite via the alteration of

their brain chemistry it's wild how at

the whim of our brain chemistry we are

this game actually doesn't

scientifically go into it like this but

in terms of what I could see through the

characters that's really how it landed

with me where it's more than you just

become an version of yourself

who creates memes for the rest of the

internet's life I mean '90s me was all

about Venom the symbiot suit it's what I

lived for in Spider-Man back when so

I've seen more than a few iterations of

this I just felt this one was a very

clear picture of what this thing's doing

to him for my life of Spider-Man fandom

I've always been like yeah but man if I

got that symbiote suit that'd be awesome

like Eddie Brock being like no you're

going to listen to me and we're going to

be anti-heroes you get the sense that

that's really not how this works here

that is a delusion it'll make you think

so it can just kind of take you over as

for Venom yes Venom is also in the game

as Insomniac said Eddie Brock is not

Venom in this game what the hell I will

be honest with you the arc they have for

Venom is actually a really good one man

Venom is aggressive in this game that's

when the really starts hitting the

fan it's when all that stuff I said

before about like oh yeah the fights are

easy well I mean it's still easy but it

does crank up the intensity at a point

in the game there's actually a scene

with Venom that very much reminded me of

the Hulk in The Avengers movie angry and

bloodthirsty more importantly angry at

you also Tony Todd is

Venom come on we're going to kill the

world that's a layup that's god tier I

will say if there are fundamentalists

out there who like no Eddie Brock needs

to be Venom he's probably going to

bother you but I actually I do get I

have my weird Boomer energy gripes for

this game like everyone in Miles

morales's life and Peter Parker's life

all know that they are the Spider-Man

they don't need to hide it from their

friends and loved ones not like the

world knows but their friends they know

in terms of fundamental lessons of life

I mean there's a good argument to be

like yeah open communication with your

friends that's a healthy thing I

wouldn't be surprised if that was

exactly the conversation and the reason

that said if I were a superhero I

wouldn't tell anybody just saying but it

has officially been 15 years since Iron

Man mainstreamed the idea of not hiding

behind the mask that is to say a child

who was born when Tony Stark ended his

film with I am Iron Man telling the

world who he was this will differ

depending on state or country but for

looking at about 15 years that child

born will be able to get a learner's

permit to drive a car it's been some

time so I feel like anyone between the

ages of 1 and 30 are not going to give a

but when I see it I'm like oh I

missed that

it's a fundamental thing of the

superhero's journey in his life looking

the in Spider-Man 2 it's great but what

you really want to know is is it better

than the first game it is bigger than

the first game no doubt that's not even

a question better not for me I feel like

that's a hot take but I felt the first

game was just in the zone 100% of the

time except the MJ side quest this

definitely hasn't over one there no

doubt first game was more challenging on

every level where you really feel it of

the fight scenarios I I just felt the

first Spider-Man game forced me to

change up my tactics more than two two

for most of the game launch the enemy in

the air either with an uppercut or a web

swing kick then juggle them in the air

with air combat when you knock them out

hold triangle web the next person pull

them up into the air air combat them

there were battles there were fights in

this game My Feet never touched the

ground if an enemy is too big to web

into the air don't worry you have a lot

of tech to dispatch that enemy with also

a lot of tech to take out the bosses

with however they're telling a very

complex and personal story in Spider-Man

2 not that the first one didn't have

that really personal story between Peter

and Doc O and it th in tears by the

end but whereas in the Final Act of

these games it gets bigger I felt in

Spider-Man 2 it got too big I was like I

don't require that this game like the

last was at its best when it was really

hammering home that more personal story

and that story in here the story of

Peter Parker and the power you feel with

the symbiot suit and then the damaging

presence in Peter's life it becomes all

the while your Miles Morales seeing your

friend go through this Spider-Man 2

deserves all the props for existing in a

world in which these Spider-Man stories

for both heroes and villains have been

told many times over over the course of

decades so they go a different direction

with these stories for the sake of them

feeling new but they also do the

characters and their arcs Justice that

for me is the gold and that's what makes

it worth buying at full price which is

funny cuz full price is more now game

prices are going up physical media is

going away I got to rethink the

structure of my entire rating system all

right so Spider-Man 2 have you played it

what did you think about it whatever you

thought comment below let me know also

spoiler warning for the comment section

if you haven't played the game you

should probably steer clear of that and

as always if you like what you've seen

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