Thanksgiving - Movie Review

Thanksgiving - Movie Review
all right another fake Grindhouse

trailer gets a real film adaptation I'm


game so Thanksgiving first started out

is one of the fake trailers on Robert

Rodriguez and Quenton Tarantino's double

feature Grindhouse those fake trailers

were pretty awesome and that is in fact

where machete comes from and after what

seems like eons of production and years

of hearing about how Thanksgiving was

going to be an actual movie Thanksgiving

is now in fact an actual movie and I got

to be honest the beginning of this movie

was actually kind of brilliant it's

Thanksgiving evening Black Friday is

upon us because as addressed in the film

as well as as seen in real life Black

Friday starts on a Thursday now and it

becomes absolute chaos I was enthralled

I was like this is the film I mean it's

not the film The film's actually a

completely different style of film which

is a slasher flick but the setup of this

film being executed as a horror film in

which hordes of customers on Black

Friday are just trampling each other I

could personally go for an entire film

of that a Black Friday zombie apocalypse

Vibe horror film as seen and experienced

from customer service employees in a

store because I've been there I've

worked Black Friday it is in fact hell

and people are indeed the worst versions

of themselves but that's just the setup

one year later someone's dressed up on

Thanksgiving and killing people with an

axe I've always had kind of a soft spot

for those post scream 90s or post 9s but

throw them back to the 9s teen slasher

films all trying to be scream and I got

to say un like a lot of those other ones

The Kills in Thanksgiving are actually

pretty awesome they were gory and bloody

but in a fun kind of way not in a Goro

kind of way until later I'll get to it

in a second it has what you expect from

Scream wannabe slasher flick kills but

also with that fun execution of Final

Destination Deaths the stuff that sticks

with you cuz when you see that when

you're driving on the freeway oh you

think of it too how are the

characters they're Canon fod they're

there to die I don't give a [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] about

them probably should but I didn't

they're most interesting when they're

suspects when you're like maybe you're

the killer that's when you give a [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

about them the most and then you're like

all right maybe not I die for all I give

a [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] which is really a bummer because

usually in a movie like this there's at

least one character you latch on to

you're like you're the one carrying me

through this nope zero [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] given

unless they're getting killed I'm like

oh hey what's up fun then the third act

happens and all things being Eli Roth it

shifts into ridiculous and gross I get

it in terms of execution of the third

act there are things from the fake

trailer that are in here and that's why

they're in here everything leading up to

that was actually a really fun and

bloody slasher flick the third Act was

definitely directed by the guy who

directed hostile not that the third Act

is ever as gross as hostile but it does

have a bit of that Vibe likei Ross like

great but has anyone vomited while their

mouth is gagged in this movie no then we

still got work to do also that third act

does go on for a bit too long I was like

and it's it hasn't ended oh and we're

still going that would have been a nice

ending 90 minutes folks it should have

been 90 minutes internet has it as an

Hour 4 six one thing that probably would

have helped this film when it comes to

cheese and dialogue is that Grindhouse

Vibe film scratches the Distortion to

make it feel like Grindhouse was this

35mm print that just got beat to [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ]

and put through the ringer I get why it

wasn't in here because Grindhouse had a

lot of marketing explaining what that

Vibe was and why it is in the movie it's

been a minute since grind outly [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] is

it has it been 16 years I just did the

math if a kid was born then he could

drive now I don't like bye I'm out bye

I'm not going to sleep well I got my

cane right here you darn kids when this

comes out on home release I would love

for there to be a version available that

does have that Grindhouse Distortion

because this movie does have a cheese

factor that lends itself to that both

with dialogue and otherwise I don't know

I I missed the throwback I really liked

Grindhouse and the kind of throwback it

was with the style it had plus a person

and a movie should not forget where they

came from like in the end the fact is

I'm not a big fan of Eli Roth's work

personally his movies are just not my

thing no other way to say it that said

this is absolutely the most enjoyable

Eli Roth film I've seen in about two

decades third act flaws aside the first

couple acts I was really into this thing

if you're an Eli Roth fan you're

probably going to eat up every frame if

you're not an Eli Roth fan the first two

acts might actually surprise you I mean

if you're not an Eli Roth fan but you're

still a slasher flick fan I mean if you

don't like Eli Roth or bloody slasher

movies don't watch this it's just simple

as that like there's no no way around

that I'm going to put this one over the

edge man I'm going to say I had a

surprisingly bloody fun time no alcohol

required I mean it's probably a lot

better with friends and booze so it

probably should be a good time if you're

drunk all right so Thanksgiving have you

seen it what did you think about it

what's your favorite post scream slasher

film '90s and 2000s were littered with

them whatever it is whatever you think

comment below let me know and as always

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