The Marvels - Movie Review

The Marvels - Movie Review
all right can it finally be accepted

reality that this kind of crap is

written by

AI I mean is it


not had to say crap at the beginning of

this video for YouTube monetization

purposes the AI bot really hates it when

you swear in the first few seconds of

your video that said we're more than a

few seconds in now so what the man

so in this time of MCU phase four and

five otherwise known as post end game

MCU DLC we now have the Marvels Captain

Marvel Monica Rambo and Miss Marvel

Kamala Khan they all team up and

something happens to where when one uses

their powers they'll swap with the other

one and I got to say when I saw the

first trailer for the Marvels which

heavily concentrated on that mechanic I

was like that could be fun I don't know

that that mechanic had to be some super

big budget MCU monstrosity I mean you

could have had an indie film with that

premise and that would have been fun

that would have been fine everything

everywhere swapping around working title

but you get what I mean that simple

premise of fun just feels like it's in

something that's overproduced and

inflated then when I saw the second

trailer that just looked like generic

big budget MCU space adventure nonsense

I was like there it is I got to give

props and credit where credits do Iman

volan who plays Kamala Khan Miss Marvel

I thought she was great in fact she was

the screen presence in the entire film

I've not seen Miss Marvel so this is my

introduction to her but I have heard

she's great in Miss Marvel and I do get

it after see in this she has an

endearing quality to her it might

actually be real life bleeding over onto

the screen a fan girl who's now playing

in the sandbox she once dreamed about

playing in it works she was actually the

heart of the movie there's a whole

Captain Marvel Monica Rambo connection

that's supposed to be heartfelt it I

mean it was there you're going to hear

me say that a lot in here I feel well

that was

there guess we should talk about that

Carol danver's Monica Rambo they have

this connection of the past and there

are times you feel like oh hey that it's

it's kind of getting there maybe it does

more than I'm giving it credit here but

it's really hard for those emotional

moments to come through when the movie

that's built around it is crap actually

to be fair I thought there was a really

good scene dealing with Monica Rambo's

emotional past when they all put on the

demolition men head pieces I thought

that was good the Monica Rambo Carol

Danver Dynamic landed a lot better than

the Carol Danver villain Dynamic Monica

Rambo for the most part I was like what

is it you do here such a bummer because

during and after wand Division I was

interested as to where they were going

to take that character by the end her

entire character was relegated to just

being a McGuffin but all in all I saw

Captain Marvel I saw W division I've

never seen Miss Marvel and Miss Marvel I

thought was the best character of The

Three As for the villain in this movie

darb Ben don't know much about the

character from the comic books looked up

a little bit before he started doing the

review didn't do a big deep dive or

anything but from what I read it sounds

like it would have been really easy to

take this new villain just turn this new

character into Dollar Store roning the

accuser or

something and that's exactly what they

did the villain in this movie is the

absolute worst and that's in the MCU

that's saying something the kind of

impressive where they had to try to

it up this badly feel like the

conversation was no deeper than we want

Ronin the accuser back but I've been

told he's been dead in the MCU for years

now plus character development just

takes up screen time we want to pull

this baby back to under two hours hear

me out on this one like Ronin pretty


him only a woman this time cuz that's

all the development you need genius

comes to brilliant by the way you see

that South Park episode oh God

don't get me started how wrong can you

get it and I feel like I should clarify

given the mechanics of the MCU

Multiverse this isn't supposed to be a

female variant of ronin like Sylvia's

toi this is just a new villain the

villain and the dynamic between Carol

Dan and villain on paper probably

sounded great like in Concept in my mind

I could just see a layout where it's

like yeah that sounds awesome in

execution doesn't feel like there is any

Dynamic the character development's not

there we're being told this we're being

told that all the while it just feels

like baddy doing baddy things and they

got to stop bad there

ah spoilers I can't do it here I can't

talk about it here if I give two

enough to do a spoiler Talk video I'll

do that you feel like there's a whole

movie of setup before this movie that

you should have watched that never

happened oh God is that just set up for

a prequel series on Disney

plus I wouldn't doubt it the villain

even has ronan's Hammer but after Ronin

put the Power Stone in it so the Power

Stone made it really powerful it's like

this villain has that version of The

Hammer with the Power Stone but without

a power Stone I was like is there a

power Stone out there I'm not aware of

granny she does have a magical Relic

device that seems to be acting through

the hammer but is that is that is that

just what happens with the hammer any

magical Relic or device that acts

through the hammer just acts One Way

anything going through the hammer just

acts like the purple infinity stone it

doesn't come across as a continuity

thing comes across as a we don't know

how to do anything new or different

thing so that covers the characters is

that it wait there's more the CGI in the

movie there's a lot going on in the

action sequences whether it's a lot of

CGI or characters swapping places

because they're using their powers which

is kind of intermittent there were

definitely moments where I was like the

character used your power and she didn't

Swap and why didn't she swap sometimes a

little bit of power will make them swap

sometimes they need to use more Powers

but they don't always Swap and it never

explains why not like we live in what's

known as the digital age in which all

you have to worry about is the internet

picking apart your inconsistency so

sometimes the action sequences just look

like CGI but when you had a still moment

nothing distracting you you got to zero

in on the CGI oh yeah that was

noticeable there are a couple of dumb

ass side quests not only does this

movie generally feel like a tech demo

for gameplay mechanics how you swap

places with other characters gameplay

mechanic you know how every Sandbox game

has that mission where you're like this

is Goofy this is some ridiculous

but every game gets W this isn't a game

but it still gives us one it's

weird actually no there's two there are

there are two side quests that are

absolute ridiculous I'll be

vague but I'll talk about them here

there's this one planet they go to in

which people just sing to talk to people

if you just talk to them they can't

understand you you have to sing to them

I was like this would be fine in an

episode of DuckTales or something

Launchpad McQuack flies Scrooge McDuck

Hy dewy and Louie to this other land

where people sing when they talk at the

very least speak Walla Wala bing bang

Disney Afternoon baby in an MCU movie it

just felt like someone trying to

recapture that ta kaai Titi energy but

Thor loving Thunder ta a white TD energy

it was ridiculous another one

keeping this one vague it has to do with

cats and it's dumb as too and these

two comedy bits just feel out of place

in this movie makes the movie feel

totally inconsistent but in the end the

real question is what is this movie

about what's the plot no the plot is not

the characters when they use their

powers swap places with each other

that's a mechanic not the plot the

plot I don't know either the

Badd is doing baddy things and needs to

be stopped it's a very simple ass plot

it's another High budget Grade B film

but it it lacks the camp and cheese

element that would make it a cult

classic 20 years from now but Aman

volani was really good in the movie she

has this infectious optimism you feel

like it's not the character that's

happened the time of her life she is

that doesn't always land with me it does

with her go forth and prosper kid you

were the best one in this film the rest

of the movie feels like an exercise and

complacency an attestment to the fact

that the MCU needs to take a break like

take a couple years make people miss you

regroup group reassess re-evaluate come

back in a couple years and crush it

don't give us more of this I say that

because this is generally speaking what

they give now movies that you're not

going to remember in T minus one day

yeah how the did we get here it's

under 2 hours that's nice yeah there's a

mid credit scene go ahead and stay for

that so you can see more bad CGI I heard

there's a post credit scene but it

sounds pretty useless to me okay the

Marvels have you seen it what did you

think about it what's your least

favorite MCU movie or MCU villain

whatever they are whatever you think

comment below let me know and as always

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