Napoleon - Movie Review

Napoleon - Movie Review
all right before we talk about some

historical epic I do want to thank the

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and now Ridley Scott


epic so Napoleon's the newest Ridley

Scott epic about The Life and Times of

Napoleon bonapart well I mean not his

whole life when doing a movie like this

you don't necessarily want to be like

and when he was born you know you don't

have to start there it's a rough time

for French citizens in French history

Napoleon bonapart this young ambitious

officer goes from that to leader King

Emperor guy who screwed over Edmund

Dantes and in biopic fashion we get a

look at the man be behind the curtain of

history and Wen Phoenix was great in the

role goes without say you knew he would

be funny call is that Wen Phoenix sounds

like Wen Phoenix he's playing a French

person in a biopic you can do one of

three things if you're going really

ambitious you can have it all in the

native language all in French and

subtitles or you can have the actors use

French accents to illustrate the point

or you can say [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] it all together wiin

Phoenix sounds like walking Phoenix

Russians sound British in Chernobyl

Russians also sound like this in Red

October that's essentially what this

movie does I have faith that that was

the best call maybe the actors just

aren't that great at doing French

accents maybe just sounded for but what

really makes this performance stand out

he puts the Napoleon back in Napoleon

complex you've always heard the term

Napoleon complex it's usually someone

who's short and they're trying to just

puff their chest and act tougher than

they are but if you look into it

Napoleon was just average hype but

Napoleon complex and this performance

persists him projecting his insecurities

his inability to get out of his own way

those of this is a very volatile

political situation just don't say you

are here you go you're lashing out oh

yeah Napoleon in this movie he was

quirky insecure he lashed out was a horn

dog an [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] but also a talented

military tactician that's part of what

made the battle so engaging could have

just made him this military leader no

show me the flawed man behind all that

the movie is surprisingly funny too

which you may have heard about in the

chatter of this film it is surprisingly

funny which has become a red flag

whenever I hear oh the movie is

surprisingly funny like oh God forested

humor but faith and Ridley Scott being

faith and Ridley Scott it is executed in

a much more human way in a way that just

feels like real human interactions you

know it's just humans being humans and

that does make it humorous also shows

how editing changes the context of

something couple of scenes in the

trailer they don't come across as

humorous but in the movie they were a

scene where Vanessa Kirby's hiking up

her skirt he looks down in the trailer

and almost feels like yeah that's mine

I'm going to smash that in the movie

it's much more humorous the way he's

trying to maintain eye contact and

slowly just looks down also the line in

the trailer where he's talking about

people who make mistakes and he's like I

simply never do you're like oh this

guy's going to [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] [Ø¢ __Ø¢ ] up but in the

movie he's talking to a bunch of kids

and the way he's like yeah people make

mistake I I don't though I never do and

that is funny because we've seen him

make mistakes we've all known that

person or seen that kind of person talk

where you're like are you just unaware

or are you lying I want to know the

rosecolor goggles you you have on when

you look in the mirror Vanessa Kirby was

great in the film as well her character

in Napoleon had a very interesting and

complex dynamic they had a very volatile

relationship to say the least there was

some moments where I was like well yeah

that's uh I do appreciate the accuracy

of the times but Vanessa Kirby's been

having a hell of a run we know she's

great at this point but for her to stand

out in a film about Napoleon acting

opposite Wen Phoenix in a Ridley Scott

film with epic battle sequences that is

something it's it's like there are so

many elements at play to be scen

Steelers and show Steelers Wen Phoenix

is a show stealer Vanessa Kirby's a show

stealer the battle sequences themselves

show Stealers and that brings us to the

battle sequences they are out of control

great I could have gone for more of them

you know a movie like this is going to

have that text at the end that comes up

giving you the summary it talks about

Napoleon being in 61 battles I was like

I feel like I saw about three of them

but again it wants to strip that away

concentrate more on his personal life

but I really wanted more of those

battles because because they tasted that

good I mean they were really raw you got

to know that blood death destruction

even the horses bited I'll warn you

right here a horse Takes a cannonball

right to the chest in one scene but I

appreciate that kind of historical

accuracy some people might be like oh

they didn't need to show that but it's

like that it makes it feel more real but

now that we've talked about the

positives this movie definitely does

have pacing and time management issues

not only does this movie feel like it

takes place in the course of about a

couple years which is absolutely not the

case but there are pacing ises with the

movie just felt like it was dragging on

I felt like this 2hour 40-minute movie

was longer than Oppenheimer I've used

Oppenheimer as an example a few times

cuz in a world where 2023 was like 2 and

1/2 hours is the new two we've had 3 and

1/2 hour long movies 2 and 1/2 hour long

movies oppenheimer's right in the middle

so I always think did it feel longer or

shorter than Oppenheimer that said this

next part might shock you I'm really

looking forward to the 4-Hour cut in

Napoleon cuz it's all about pacing you

can have a 2hour 40-minute cut of a

movie that feels much longer than 2

hours and 40 minutes you can have a

4-Hour cut of that same movie that feels

much shorter than 4 hours can't help but

think an hour and 20 minutes of this

movie missing means there are these

important moments that Aid in the flow

that are just gone and that's why the

movie feels longer so in a world where a

4-Hour cut of this movie would be longer

but in theory could smooth the movie out

I'm definitely going to look forward to

that unless it doesn't in which case

it's just nearly an hour and a half

longer an entire romcom run time longer

like in the end Napoleon has a lot

working for it watch Phoenix Vanessa

Kirby the costumes the sets the set

design the grand scope and scale of the

entire thing and how practical it feels

epic battle sequences it truly is

cinematically immersive for better for

worse because now you're immersed in a

movie that has some pacing issues those

pacing issues aside still enjoyed myself

good time no alcohol required all right

so Napoleon have you seen it what did

you think about it or what's your

favorite historical epic whatever it is

whatever you think comment below let me

know and as always if you like what you

seen here and you want to see more click

right here to see


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