Imaginary - Movie Review

Imaginary - Movie Review
all right I'm going to go old school on

this one trying to make this video as

short as humanly possible I'm going to

do for you what this movie did not do

for me a short concise package in which

you have all the information in and out

send you on your way all right here we


go so imaginary is a new horror movie

that fits right into 2024 horror movies

movie revolves around a family who moves

into a new house this new house happens

to be the childhood House of the stepmom

and in the new house the youngest girl

in the family gets that's right an

imaginary friend and that imaginary

friend is that's right an evil entity

dollar store any movie you've ever I'm

going to use Dollar Store a lot in here

CU this movie is Dollar Store everything

you've ever seen in the history of

horror movies ever Dollar Store Tim

Burton is definitely in the last act

that probably came out of nowhere quite

a curveball for my review I'll get there

to the point why did I watch this movie

because cheesy bad yet really enjoyable

in that guilty pleasure kind of way

horror movie is its own reward and every

time I go into one of these I'm hoping

for that what I found was in my Kung Fu

Panda 4 review I said I don't always get

a good night's sleep too often these

days I think I found the Cure it's

imaginary this movie is a slog it's just

boring it's boring and it feels more

boring than it should because the

characters don't even talk like human

beings they don't talk like characters I

get you want to have this weird old lady

for the sake of really convenient and

lazy writing Exposition dump but some of

the dialogue somewh with her some just

sprinkled throughout the film it almost

comes across as a comedy it's like are

you guys trying to be funny Oh no you're

not and this movie's oddly inconsistent

in terms of characters saying what they

have heard what they have seen and what

the movie shows you that they have seen

or not seen it's trying to keep it vague

no spoilers here even on trash but I'm a

sucker for that thing called continuity

these three streams of information feel

like they're coming from three very

separate films cuz they just contradict

each other and no one in the film asks

questions like whoa whoa whoa you said

this but now you're saying this and wait

you said you saw this but you definitely

didn't see that no everyone's just an

idiot like yeah sounds good I'm just

going to forget what you said earlier oh

hey someone from my cable company just

texted me asking for my social security

number to fix an outage that isn't in my

area I'm going to give it to him cuz I

don't ask questions the older daughter

is a complete [ __ ] I get it Teen

Angst is a thing but the way she

belittles and berates her stepmom I get

it there's supposed to be room for

growth with a car character the whole

time I was like if she talks to her

stepmom like this how does she talk to

her peers in school I just felt like

she's a bully and I don't care cuz any

gross is going to feel temporary just

feels like she's an [ __ ] to her core

oh god there were a couple moments in

here when I was watching the movie I was

like oh hold on to that one hold on to

that one for the review that is gold

it's it's bad gold my brain was like I

get why you want it but nope we're not

going to hold on to that one obliviate

I'm just left with that feeling of who

the [ __ ] talks like this the character

don't interact how people interact it's

like the script had no push back no one

in the room to be like H maybe we

shouldn't have them talk like that do

you talk like that like the older

teenage daughter has the neighbor boy

over they're hanging out and at a point

he drops the bombshell that he has a bag

of drugs and he's like let's get this

party started he has a pill on his

tongue and I was like do you have to

thing on your tongue the entire time

you've been here folks in just doing

that for this video that was eted

migraine by the way I can already feel

it starting to be bitter that's the

point it's like dude anytime we put a

pill in our mouth we're getting water

that's the timer there's a timer in

which this thing is going to start

dissolving in your mouth it's going to

be the second most bitter taste in your

mouth possible second only to bad horror

movie anyhow I was just like what I can

still taste it though oh I remembered

one now disclaimer and to be fair I

might be missing something here since

this movie lacks most any form of

narrative structure that makes it cond

usive for the human brain to retain it

whatsoever but there's this scene where

the Stepmom is talking to the little

girl who has the imaginary friend Chan

sees his name and she's like look this

been a very difficult time for you and I

know that we're going to get through

this and I want you to know I'm here or

something to that effect when I was

watching it I was like no hasn't been

hard on the little kids so far as you

know she's just been hanging out with

her imaginary friend having a pretty

good time stepmom's been dealing with

some [ __ ] at that point just came across

like this lady's projecting her [ __ ]

onto this poor kid I mean granted half

of being a parent is causing new damage

but come on the movie is about an hour

45 that is to say the first hour and a

half is truly boring that's not 90

minutes that feels like 90 minutes it's

one of those cases 90 minutes feels like

2 hours there were a couple of moments

minus the jump scares they're in here

too but there were a couple of moments

that did lend themselves to being

interesting visuals in a horror film

they were subtle enough to actually

possibly be effective if they weren't

sprinkled into this this absolute bore

Fest if I wasn't half asleep because of

the movie and then the last act happens

by far the best part I mean it's Dollar

Store Tim Burton like I said and Dollar

Store Poltergeist went Splat but it's by

far the best part of the movie when it

popped off I was like oh here we go this

is the movie maybe it's because it has

that rule of contrast working for it

where the first hour and a half of this

movie was so God awful boring the last

part of the movie felt so much better

because of it and that's the real silver

lining where I have this odd op ISM for

a sequel for this movie possibly like

Annabelle and Ouija before the first

movies were [ __ ] but the sequels learned

they maybe even God forbid listen to

feedback and they proceeded accordingly

because the first movie did have

something there that they could build

off of something there to play with that

the first movie just didn't know how to

do I see that in the last act in this

movie when the point rears its ugly head

I actually had fun with that it's just

not worth the slog dredging through Drew

this bore Fest to get to that point in

the last act in the end while we're

there the movie could have ended about

three times I was like all right the

movies I actually got up started walking

towards the door and I was like movie's

not done is it oh there's more then the

movie's like all right we're done now

unless we're not I was just sitting


like just end the [ __ ] movie I legit

feel like this movie could be broken up

to two ratings first 34s of this movie

absolute dog [ __ ] the last part of the

movie I can have some fun with the right

amount of SC but I just can't do it I

can't average it out to be something in

between the movie leading up to the last

part of the film showing anything

resembling imagination it's just so bad

makes the overall experience nothing

short of dog [ __ ] all right it's like

this here it is it comes out on

streaming just fast forward to the last

part fast forward to anything past that

and if you hate what you see at that

point just know that everything before

it was so much worse well this video is

about twice as long as I intended it to

be apologize for that I'll F you I'll F

you or it's so imaginary have you seen

it what did you think about it or what's

your favorite horror movie in which

there is an imaginary friend that is an

evil entity take your pick I know that

doesn't narrow it down whatever it is

whatever you think comment below let me

know and as always if you like what

you've seen here and you want to see

more click right here to see




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