The Crow (2024) Trailer - My Thoughts

The Crow (2024) Trailer - My Thoughts
the crow we all love the crow trailer

for the new crows out funny as I say we

all love the crow I have run into people

who say the crow doesn't hold up to

which I'm always like wait what the what

so we've heard for years that they were

remaking the crow to which I was like

well we'll see then a pick of Bill

Skarsgard as Eric Draven hit the

internet I was

like I'll wait for the trailer now the

trailer's hit and I'm

like I'll wait for the movie until I

talk about the trailer so here we are

this is one of those trailers from

beginning to ends you feel like you've

seen the movie kind of hard not to the

premise of the crow is simple enough a

guy and his girlfriend are savagely

murdered he comes back as a spectre of

Vengeance to kill them all scorpion

minus the fire with more guns in Gothic

tone for the sake of this movie looks

like minus the gothic tone first of all

the Eric Draven character design uh yeah

I don't know was no one in the room did

no one rais their hand and go might that

look a bit too similar to the Jared

letto Joker

maybe we should not that's why it's

important to have someone in the room

who's old enough to remember the early

days of the

2010s it's weird to phrase it that way

but someone who can raise their hand and

be like hey I was there for the DMC

reveal trailer and all the backlash that

character redesign got maybe we

shouldn't do the exact same thing with

Eric Draven only with more face tats how

about we not and I've seen some

counterarguments online saying look this

is not a remake of the old movie this is

an adaptation of the comic book

but is it like does it feel like the

comic book I know in the comic books

there have been different people brought

back to life for the sake of Revenge I'm

just saying does this feel like Eric

Draven though he looks more like someone

Eric Draven is coming to kill someone

who'd be hanging out with Tintin T Bird

funboy and the rest of the Party Pals

say what you want about Joker tats say

this or that does a joker have a creepy

eyeball tattoo on his chest it's so

horrifically disturbing you can't look

away no not that one that one there

nipple eye I don't know why it disturbs

me so much but by God it does now that

the trailer's out I do feel like the

conversation around his character design

is simply part of the larger

conversation around tone and atmosphere

that which makes the crow feel like the

crow which is seemingly absent from the

trailer The Crow has a very Gothic tone

the original film absolutely captured

that in an amazing way to the point

where the atmosphere of this weird

Gothic City

it's part of the character of the movie

It's its own character in the movie is

what I'm trying to say this trailer at

least feels like Florida Joker strolled

onto the set of John Wick and ran it

through a generic emulator to be fair to

the aformentioned generic emulated John

Wick Vibe with a spectre of Vengeance

some of the action looks like it could

be pretty fun like the dude's behind

Bill scars guards who takes the gun

shoots through himself and takes the guy

out looks like they're doing some fun

enough stuff with the fact that he can't

die so it looks like he might give

himself the Yoshi mitsu and stab himself

stab the person behind honestly I feel

like if Bill Skarsgard in this movie was

not Eric Draven he was someone else who

was brought back to life to be the crow

character for the sake of Vengeance the

character designed would probably sit

better with fans they'd probably still

scoff at it sure but after the trailer

they could be like well I mean some of

the action looks pretty fun we'll see

it's not like it's Eric Draven or

anything Eric draven's still the

protagonist in here and he was made to

look like that because apparently

whoever made this movie has never

internetted ever is what it is will it

succeed in that will it live up to the

original I would like if I were in Vegas

I wouldn't place my bets on that we're

dealing with Hollywood there I'm playing

the odds still action could be pretty

fun it's all I'm hoping for after that I

can only be pleasantly surprised or

disappointed if the action sucks all

right so the new Crow trailer have you

seen it what did you think about it

whatever you thought comment below let

me know and as always if you like what

you've seen here and you want to see

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